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OFFICE of the CITY CLERK <br />Date ---------- June -_ 18th,.------ -- ---- - - - --- 19..54. <br />To---- - -- ------ ----- --- - -- --- --- -- --- ---- - -- ---------------------------- -------- -- ---- ------ - - - - -- <br />Atthe ---------- ,7zme -- lot: b,- -RH9u1&r---------- ------ ---_ - - - - -- ----------------------------------•----------------------------- <br />meeting of the Council the following matter was referred to you for appropriate disposal or for spe- <br />cific action as indicated: <br />See attached petition. <br />Councilman Hahn made a motion that the petition be <br />referred to the City Plan Commission. Councilman <br />Niezgodski seconded the motion. Motion carried* <br />Documents attached: <br />Petition. <br />LERK <br />11b9c g6NT� /�LC�2� // <br />Deputy------ / - --- - - - -- <br />