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9r­ <br />PETITION <br />South Bend, Ind. __ <br />-Aug-,--1,6 ----------- 19- -. -.54 <br />---------------------- __ ----------------------------------- _ ---------- ------------------------- <br />YewFe ResperatiulLy, <br />NAME ADDRESS <br />To The Hohorable Common Council: <br />- ­ - --- - --------- I ---------------------- 11 ........ __ ------------ ­ ------------ ------- ­ ---------------------- ----------_------------ <br />-----_- We-_ - - r e s--P _e. c- t. tiajy_p_e ti t i p n_:t 11je... han Q r a b 1 le --- bLody --- ...... <br />describe mm <br />described from Residential to Co. erC"&.14­4&0-dE <br />------------ ------- ----- __­ --- ------------------------ ------------------- I .... ­­ --- ....... I�.16-f <br />Beginning on the East line of olive street, in the City of South Bend, <br />------- ­ --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------------------- ----- ---- ---- <br />intersection- of -- - _the_ _East -- line_ of ­ sdid - <br />--------- <br />Olive Street, as now established (which street is 50 feet wide) and <br />- 1­­ - <br />------------------------------------------------------------ ----------- 1­ ----------------------------------------- --------------- <br />... S.o­qt_h__lin_e_.o.f --- 1-o-t --- Number-e-d__21 <br />- -- - - - - ------------ - - t <br />_,IL e _ _ 1! Q.Q Pxd.e�d .. p-lat--of -------------- <br />Xu1L%tmaa_ and - -Mey-ar.s. - -Ad-diti on. . -tia --the ity ... of --- ao-uth --Band; thence--running -_.-_. <br />North - o_n__t_he__E.q_s_t --- line of Qliv ... Qx __Q <br />-------------------- less,__tQ ... t_11_0 <br />South line of Longle Avenue in siid City; thence East alo the km <br />---------------- ----------­------- --------------------- -­-------------------------- ------------------ .............. Ax --------- <br />South line of Longley Avenu-4 a distance of 135 feet; thence bouth on a <br />-------------------- ------- ------------------------- --­----------- ----------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------ <br />line parallel vAth the East line of Olive street, 85.26 feet; thence <br />---------------- --------------------------- 11 --------------------------------------- ------------ -­------------------ I ---------------- I ---------- <br />West to the place of beginning. <br />------------- ----------------------------------------------- I ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- <br />-------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- --------------------_- _ -------_-------- <br />­ ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ---- ------- - --- -- -- ----- ------------- <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------- David- "Ydzi <br />--------- <br />----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- <br />­ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ t ----------------------------------------------------------- ------- <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I .......... -------------------------------------------------------------- <br />__ __ ____ - - I\ <br />