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0 <br />-:r <br />in <br />u, <br />PETITION <br />T0: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />The undersigned owner, hereby petitions your honorable body to amend <br />and supplement the present zoning ordinance as follows: <br />1. By the adoption of an ordinance changing the zoning classification <br />of Lots Numbered 132, 133, 134 and 135 as shown on the recorded Plat of <br />McKinley Terrace Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana, excepting, <br />however those portions of Lots 132, 133 and 134 occupied by Sorin Street as <br />relocated, from "C -1 "Commercial District, "D" Height and Area District, to "A" <br />Residence District and "A" Height and Area District, <br />2. By the adoption of an ordinance zoning the following described <br />property as "A" Residence District and "A" Height and Area District: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of lot 22 in McKinley Terrace <br />Addition; thence west along the north line of said lot a distance <br />of 95 ft. to point of curve; thence along said curve, to the left, <br />to a point on the east line of Preston Drive 47 ft4 north of the <br />-- southwest corner of said lot 22; thence north 170 ft. to the <br />southerly line of lot 133; thence southeasterly along the southerly <br />.line of lots 133 and 132 a distance of 131.06 ft. to the southeaster- <br />-fy corner of lot 132; thence east 20 ft. to the east line of McKinley <br />Terrace Addition; thence south along the east line of said McKinley <br />-' <br />-.Terrace Add. a distance of 60 ft. to the place of beginning. <br />cn <br />K Beginning on the east line of McKinley Terrace Add. at a point 150 <br />ft. north of the northeast corner of lot 22 McKinley Terrace Add. <br />thence west 125 ft. to the easterly line of Preston Drive, produced <br />.north; thence south 10 ft. to the easterly line of said Preston <br />V Drive; thence northwesterly along the easterly line of Preston <br />Drive a distance of 95 ft. to a point of the north line of Sorin <br />St. in McKinley Terrace Addition section "A" produced west; thence <br />east 188 ft. to the east line of McKinley Terrace Addition; thence <br />south 60 ft. to the place of beginning, excepting, however, therefrom <br />the following: <br />Beginning at a point on the East line of the Plat of McKinley Terrace <br />Addition one hundred dnd fifty (150) ft. North of the Northeast corner i <br />of Lot 22, McKinley Terrace Addition; thence West twenty (20) ft. to <br />the East line of Lot 132 of said McKinley Terrace Addition; thence <br />North fifty -six and thirty -one hundredths (56.31) ft. to the North- <br />easterly corner of said Lot 132; thence Northwesterly along the <br />Northeasterly line of said Lot 132 five and two tenths (5.2) ft.; <br />thence East twenty -three and sixty -nine hundredths (23.69) ft.; <br />thence South along the East line of said McKinley Terrace Addition <br />sixty (60) ft. to the place of be #inning. <br />There acconpanies this petition a proposed ordinance amending and <br />supplementing Ordinance Number 3702 in accordance with the above request. <br />Dated this � day of April, 1954- <br />PIAGE AN OMPANY, INC. <br />B <br />oseph A. Ropdr3 It Attorney & Agent, <br />