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AGENDA REVIEW SESSION JULY 3, 2014 216 <br />The Agenda Review Session of the Board of Public Works was convened at 10:40 a.m. on July <br />3, 2014, by Board President Gary A. Gilot, with Board Members David Relos and Brian <br />Pawlowski present. Board Members Kathryn Roos and Patrick Henthorn were absent. Also <br />present was Attorney Cheryl Greene. Board of Public Works Clerk, Linda M. Martin, presented <br />the Board with a proposed agenda of items presented by the public and by City Staff. <br />Board members discussed the following item(s) from the agenda. <br />- Amendment to Contract and Agreement <br />Ms. Lory Timmer, Community Investment, informed the Board that the time to spend the dollars <br />left in the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 3 Contract expired; however HUD has allowed <br />the City to keep the funds as long as they are applied to another project. She stated they are being <br />transferred to the Subsidizing Agreement for vacant and abandoned property located at 625 -627 <br />Cushing Street. Mr. Gilot noted the value in moving the funds from administrative work to <br />neighborhood work. <br />- Award Bid - 3/4 Ton Four -Wheel Drive Pick -Up Trucks <br />Mr. Jeff Hudak, Central Services, stated these trucks are being purchased with CNG and V Plow <br />options. Mr. Gilot questioned what the V Plow is for. Mr. Hudak explained it helps with alley <br />entry plowing and intersections. He explained also that it is a flexible and adjustable plow and <br />can be used as a straight plow or half or V plow. Mr. Horvath questioned why the CNG cost was <br />so high. Mr. Hudak stated it is for big tanks. Mr. Horvath stated they should do a cost estimate <br />on the cost value of the expense. Mr. Gilot noted they don't get their money back the first year, <br />but the life expectancy is twenty (20) years. Mr. Hudak agreed and noted he put requirements on <br />the construction of the tank to assure it lasts up to twenty (20) years. <br />- Award Bid — Janitorial and Cleaning Supplies <br />Ms. Toni Laisure, Central Services, noted that there were ten (10) bidders this year, and all bid <br />on at least one (1) item. Mr. Gilot questioned if the prices went up. Ms. Laisure stated the prices <br />were comparable; overall there was a 20% increase due to changes in items. She noted the actual <br />increase in the prices was 9 %. She noted also there were three (3) local preference bidders and <br />four (4) MBE /WBE bidders, however only two (2) of those are registered MBE /WBE businesses <br />with the State of Indiana. Mr. Gilot asked if she figured the percentage of MBE /WBE bids. Ms. <br />Laisure stated the total is 58% of the total dollars bid. Mr. Gilot and Mr. Horvath stated that is <br />impressive and worthy of note, regardless if they are all registered. <br />- Change Order — Jefferson Boulevard Streetscape Improvements <br />Mr. Roger Nawrot, Engineering, stated the changes in the project are an effort to keep up the <br />project with current trends resulting in added scope to already existing unit prices, not new items. <br />He explained they added a parking space, removed an alley approach at the library, and corrected <br />the wrong size tree grates listed in the specifications. He noted they also hit an unmarked, <br />unrecorded water line. <br />Amendment to Professional Services Agreement — DLZ Indiana, LLC <br />Mr. Roger Nawrot, Engineering, stated this amendment is due to the need for a retaining wall <br />after foundry sand was discovered at the site of this Olive Street and Sample Street overpass and <br />bridge reconstruction. Mr. Eric Horvath, Director of Public Works, stated they would have had to <br />remove bad soil and bring in all new soil; this way was more cost effective. Mr. Nawrot noted <br />they are acquiring right -of -way for the sidewalk construction, and the full process will cost <br />around $30,000.00. Attorney Cheryl Greene stated Legal has done this work in the past and <br />saved a lot of money. Mr. Horvath noted this is temporary construction right -of -way, and <br />questioned the need for acquiring the property for temporary construction. Mr. Horvath <br />suggested there be some discussion before Tuesday's meeting regarding this item. He noted also <br />there were some major deductions in the original contract. <br />- New Installation — No Parking <br />Mr. Roger Nawrot, Engineering, stated this request for installation of No Parking signs on <br />Sample Street in front of the new Fire Training Center had to be cleared with INDOT because <br />Sample Street is an official ramp onto the bypass. <br />New Installation — Two Hour Parking <br />Mr. Roger Nawrot, Engineering, stated Kite Realty requested this installation in three locations <br />in Eddy Commons for turnover. He noted Traffic and Lighting recommends against two -hour <br />parking up to Burns Avenue, and suggests it stop at Georgiana Street. Mr. Corbitt Kerr, City <br />Engineer, recommend limiting the two -hour parking from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The Board <br />recommended the City Engineer's request be approved. <br />New Installation — Residential Parking <br />Mr. Roger Nawrot, Engineering, stated a residential study was completed in this area and this <br />block, the 1100 block of Georgiana Street, was the only block that met the warrant study. <br />