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the default is cured. ]f the default is not cured. the Commission ma~~ institute legal proceedings to <br />enforce the terms of this Agreement or ma.' terminate this Agreement. If the default is cured. <br />then no default shall exist and the Commission shall take no further action. <br />If Commission elects to consider terminating this Agreement due to a material default of <br />SBHF. then Commission shall give ~~Titten notice to SBHF by certified mail, return receipt <br />requested, of Commission's intent to tern~inate this Agreement and this Agreement shall thereb~~ <br />be terminated Thim~ (30) Da~~s thereafter. <br />SECTI019.0 TERMI:~A"I70'~. <br />9.I I~ermination for Cause. The rights and duties under this Agreement ma~~ be <br />terminated for cause by one party by smitten notice of such termination to the other party, ~~~hich <br />notice shall specify any such cause(s) involved. Cause for such termination of a pam~'s. rights <br />and duties under this Agreement shall include, but not be limited to, anv of the follo~~~ina_ <br />(a). ]nsolvencv or F3ankruptcy. 7~he threatened insolvency of either pane. the <br />filing of an ins°oluntar~~ petition against am' party seeking its adjudication of its <br />bankruptcy or insolvency; <br />(b). Force '~'lajeure. :~o party shall incur any liability to another pane. but anv <br />party shall he entitled to tenminate this Agreement if performance by any party <br />of its obligations is prevented b~~ Acts of God. the public enemy. earthquakes, <br />hurricanes. tornados, 17oods, fire, epidemics, civil insurrections. loss of <br />utilities. strikes or lockouts. <br />9.2 Termination V1`ithout Cause. The Commission may terminate this Agreement <br />without cause upon not less than thirly~ (30) dad's prior ~~~ritten notice to 5131~IF b~~ certified mail. <br />return receipt requested. Am' such ~yritten nonce shall designate the intended date of termination. <br />y~'ithin fourteen (]4) days vi the date of such notice b.~ Commission. SBl~IF shall provide the <br />Commission ~~ith a listing of those Project Actwities that are committed to under a fully <br />executed agreement. SBHF shall not he required to continue to provide its sere°ices to the <br />Commission under this Agreement, provided ho~~rver that SBHF shall complete those Project <br />Activities that have commenced or are committed to under a fully executed contract as of the <br />date of the Commissions ti~ritten notice of termination. <br />SF_CTIO\ 1(1.0 EQt~AL OPPQRTL~'~'IT~'. <br />SBHF, for itself and its successors and assigns. hereb~~ agrees that in undertaking Project <br />Activities and in the performance of this Agreement. it ~~~ill not discriminate against any person <br />because of race. color. religion. sex. or national oricin. S13IgF agrees to post in conspicuous <br />places. available to emplo~~ees and applicants for employment. notices setting forth the <br />provisions of this nondiscrimination clause and ~~~ill stag. in all solicitations or adyenisements <br />for employees placed b~~ or on behalf of the SBHF or the Commission. that all qualified <br />applicants ~~~ill recci~~e consideration for emp;oyment ~~~ithout regard to race. color. religion, sex. <br />F JIU"'-,CCiRL.ALAA'PD.~T.~:~'RUJLCT$.A~~\+Y9S[3)iP.Tf~ -1GIti?(=_^,^,~',~'T V'a 0~( ~_DOC <br />