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E~FIIBl7 "B" <br />Project Acti~~itics and Procedure for Accomp[ishinb Certain Project Actin°ities <br />I. PROJECT ACT11'ITIES. <br />`'Project Acti~~ities`~ for purposes of this Agreement are those sere°ices pro~~ided b~ o~ <br />throu~~h SI3III= utilizing the TIF Re~°enues identified in t}us Agreement for redevelopment <br />acti~~ities conducted within the ~~'est ~>,'ashington-Chapin Development .Area that are consistent <br />v~•ith and essential to accomplishing the Vr'est ~~'ashingrton-Chapin Development Area <br />Development Plan under the au1}iort~~ of the South 13cnd Redevelopment Commission. The <br />permitted use of TIF Revenue b}~ SI3HF includes costs and expenses associated ~~th the <br />followin~~ Project Activities: <br />(a). Real property acquisition costs and related costs and expenses neccssan° to <br />accomplish carne including curve}'s, appraisals, title work. environmental studies, rind <br />other due diligence activities incidental to the transaction as Fell as closing costs, <br />recordinct fees related to same: <br />(b) Residential and commercial relocation expenses in accordance ~s~th the Uniform <br />Relocation Assistance and Real Propert}° Acquisition Policies Act of ]970 and the <br />Cornntission's Relocation Policy; <br />(c) Demolition of structures and site clearance; and <br />(d) ,'~9aintenance of properties acquired under this Agreement including. but not <br />limited to; costs associated with maintaining and securing said proper}° in compliance <br />with local ordinances and regulations, as pro~~idcd in this Agreement. <br />lice of "I-IF Revenues b~ S13HF for am' use not described abo~-e shaI] he permitted only <br />upon prior v~7-itten consent of the Commission, which such appro~•al shall not be unreasonabl~° <br />~~-ithhcl d. <br />Ii. PROCEDURES FOR ACCO'v9PLlSH1'tG CEI2TA11\ PROJECT ACTJ~'ITIES. <br />Le«al Requirements For ProPerTv .Acquisition: 'The ponies ackno~~ledge that Commission <br />is required to comply ~r•ith ]C 36-7-] 4-19 concerning acquisition of real propem~ which includes <br />the obligation u~: (i) appro~~e and adopt a ]istin~~ of iiaterests in propem~ to be acquired. (ii) obtain <br />t~~~o (2j independent appraisals of fair market ~~alue, (iiil submit a purchase offer to the propem~ <br />o~~ner in the form prescribed br statute: and (;~~) negorate for the purchase of the propert~~. All <br />propem~ interests acquired shall he iiee and clear of all liens, assessmems grad ether <br />goverrm~enta] charges except for current pmpem~ taxes ~~~?sich are prorated to the date of closin~~. <br />The Commission takes title to property b~ ~e~a:;ant~~ deed tendered in the name of the `'Cit1~ of <br />South Bend, for the use and benefit of its Department of Rede~~e)opment"..Acquisition of <br />H. F'P... L,! r0"C-.-S\1'V^.'C-S,4-3ilFlIP..~ I;LG'~"I;~..~ A-[ i41~_.IiOC <br />