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PETITION TO REZONE <br />Ciq, of South Bend, Indiana <br />I (we) the undersigned make application to the City of South Bend Common Council to amend the zoning ordinance as <br />herein requested. <br />1) The property sough to be rezoned is located at: 140S. Niles Are. South Bend IN 46617 (Corner ofie,Qerson and S. Niles <br />Ave) <br />2) The property Tax Key Ntuuber(s) is/are: 71 -06 -12 -252- 025.000 -026 <br />3) Name and address of property owner(s) of the petition site: <br />River Race Townhonres LLC <br />121 S. Niles Ave <br />South Bend, IN 46617 <br />979 -739 -2640 <br />Dm idCMatthervsLLC.coin <br />Name and address of additional property owners, if applicable: <br />4) Name and address of contingent purchaser(s), if applicable: <br />Name and address of additional property owners, if applicable: <br />5) It is desired and requested that this property be rezoned: <br />From: CBD - Central Business District Additional zoning disc is if applicable <br />To: PUD Planned Unit Development District <br />6) This rezoning is requested to allow the following use(s): Residential Office /Professional Services, Personal Service, <br />Recreation, Retail, Food Sales and Service, Clothing Service, <br />7) Attached, and made a part of this PETITION, is: <br />(a) a list of names and addresses of all property owner's, and the tax key murnbers for all properties within 300 feet of <br />the petition property: <br />(b) addressed, stamped envelopes for all property owarers within 300 feet of the petition property. <br />8) BY SIGNING THIS PETITION, THE PETITION- ERS/PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE <br />SIGNIFY THAT THEY UNDERSTAND THAT ALL REPRESEN'T'ATIONS \iADE BY THEM OR THEIR <br />REPRESENTATIONS AT THE AREA PLAN CO \I1IIISSION AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AS TO THE SCOPE OF <br />THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE BINDING UPON THEM AND ANY SUBSEQUENT OWNER AND OTHER PERSONS <br />ACQUIRDNG AN INTEREST THEREIN. SUCH REPRESENTATIONS SHALL BE \FADE PART OF THE RECORD AND <br />WILL BECOME A CONDITION OF ANY FINAL PLAN APPROVAL. <br />CONTACT PERSON: <br />DmId Matthews <br />121 S. Niles Are <br />Sont)r Bend,, Bd 46617 <br />574- 607 -4271 <br />DaWd(dylfatthewsLLC. con) <br />