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Page 1 of 1 <br />Christa Hill - No variance for East Bank Village Matthews condo <br />From: pittypat6l <pittypat6l> <br />To: <chill> <br />Date: 6/17/2014 9:35 AM <br />Subject: No variance for East Bank Village Matthews condo <br />Mrs. Hill, please strongly consider NOT approving the plan for Mr. Matthews proposed 6 story unit. <br />.Five stories is enough, there's no need for 6 stories. We don't want our downtown riverbank to become a <br />concrete high rise jungle. We have a very quaint, beautiful riverfront and it will become nothing more <br />than water rushing past wealthy single peoples skyscraper residences. There is already an excess of <br />upper scale living choices near our downtown, yet the average working families are being pushed away. <br />Apparently they want us to spend our hard earned money at functions, events, and the influx of upper <br />scale dining and venues.... but don't want us living there. If he wants to build there, fine, but he needs to <br />learn to follow the rules our city has put in place and stop demanding exceptions. He got declined, so <br />now he's stomping his feet, ignoring the previous decision, and bypassing the previous board (basically <br />having wasted their valuable time). He will build anyway, whether it's 5 stories or 6. Please consider the <br />residents who've lived here our whole lives and stuck it out thru the rough times, we believe in our <br />downtown! We only want to continue to feel like we belong and are not just some blue collar intruders <br />in a white collar world of people who come here and demand different rules for themselves. <br />Thank you for your time, <br />Pat Gragg <br />Lifetime resident <br />file: / /C: \Documents and Settings \cnayder \Local Settings \Temp\XPgrpwise \53AOOBFFSJC... 6/17/2014 <br />