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Smokefree Air Ordinance of 2014- 2nd Substitute Bill No. 31 -14 <br />Page 10 <br />(b) This prohibition on smoking shall be communicated to all existing employees by the <br />effective date of this Article and to all prospective employees upon their application for <br />employment. <br />Sec. 14 -67. Prohibition of Smoking in Private Clubs. <br />Smoking shall be prohibited in all private clubs. <br />Sec. 14 -68. Prohibition of Smoking in Enclosed Residential Facilities. <br />Smoking shall be prohibited in the following enclosed residential facilities: <br />(a) All private and semi - private rooms in nursing homes; and <br />(b) All hotel and motel rooms that are rented to guests. <br />Sec. 14 -69. Prohibition of Smoking in Outdoor Public Places. <br />Smoking shall be prohibited in the following outdoor places: <br />(a) Within a reasonable distance of eight feet (8') outside entrances, operable <br />windows and ventilation systems of enclosed areas where smoking is <br />prohibited so as to prevent tobacco smoke from entering those areas-, <br />(c) (b) In all outdoor arenas, stadiums, and amphitheaters. Smoking shall also be <br />prohibited in and within eight feet (8') of bleachers and grandstands for use <br />by spectators at sporting and other public events; <br />(d) (c) In and within eight feet (8') of, all outdoor playgrounds, <br />(e) (d) In, and within eight (8') of, all outdoor public transportation stations, <br />platforms, and shelters under the authority of the City of South Bend; <br />(f) (e) In all outdoor service lines, including lines in which service is obtained by <br />persons in vehicles, such as service that is provided by bank tellers, parking <br />lot attendants, and toll takers. In lines in which service is obtained by persons <br />in vehicles, smoking is prohibited by both pedestrians and persons in vehicles, <br />but only within eight feet (8') of the point of service; and <br />