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PETITION TO ANNEX PROPERTY AND ZONE SAME. <br />TO THE COMM.�ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />The undersigned owners hereby petition your honorable <br />body to annex and bring within the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />the following described contiguous real estate in St. Joseph <br />County, State of Indiana: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 375, <br />Twyckenham Hills, Section "G ", present City <br />limits; thence North along the West line of <br />the East half of the South Quarter (1/4), <br />Section 19, Township 37 North, Range 3 East, <br />a distance of 955 feet to a point 200 feet <br />South of the East and West center line of said <br />section 19; thence East parallel with and 200 <br />feet South of the said East and West center line of <br />Section 19, along the present City limits 1320 <br />feet, more or less, to the East line of said <br />Section 19; thence South along said East line <br />of said Section 19, a distance of 790 feet; <br />thence West 727.70 feet; thence South parallel <br />with and 727.70 feet West of the East line of <br />said Section 19, a distance of 770.35 feet to <br />the present City limits; thence West along the <br />present 'City limits, a distance of 736.25 feet; <br />thence North along the present City limits 607.35 <br />feet to the South line of Twyckenham Hills, Section <br />"G "; thence East along the present City limits <br />146.80 feet to the place of beginning. <br />The undersigned owners further petition your honorable <br />body do such annexation to amend and supplement Zoning Ordinance <br />No. 3702, of the City of South Bend, Indiana, by zoning such <br />above described real estate as "A" Residence District and "A" <br />Height and Area District. <br />There accompanies this petition a proposed Ordinance <br />annexing the above described real estate and amending and <br />supplementing Ordnnance No. 3702 to zone such property as "A" <br />Residence District and "A" Height and Area District. <br />:-;Dated this day of April, 1956. <br />PLACE AND BMPANY , INC. <br />By gem <br />Joseph P1. Roper, its Agent <br />and Attorney. <br />- 1 - <br />