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after contained, the parties do hereby covenant and <br />agree with each other as follows: <br />1. The City herewith grants permission to the <br />University to construct a sewer connecting the <br />University's sanitary sewers, with the City's main <br />intercepting sewer, at a point in the vicinity of <br />North Shore Drive and Angella Boulevard in the City <br />of South Bend, said connection to be made in a manner <br />acceptable to the City Engineer of said City and <br />without any expense to the City. Said connection to <br />be accomplished and the University's sewage to be <br />drained into the City's sewer system at the convenience <br />of the University. <br />2. When the City sewage plant begins its <br />operation of sewage treatment, the University agrees <br />to pay for said sewage treatment service at a rate <br />heretofore established by Ordinance of the City of <br />South Bend dated February 24, 1954, for such of the <br />University's sewage as may enter the City's interceptor <br />sewage system. Any change in rates applicable to <br />users in the City shall also apply to the University. <br />3. This contract shall continue in force for <br />a period of ten years and in the absence of either <br />party serving the other with written notice, eighteen <br />months prior to the termination of the first ten - <br />year period, of intention to discontinue availing <br />themselves of, or of furnishing the services herein <br />provided, this contract shall automatically be re- <br />newed for succeeding ten -year periods in the absence <br />of such written notice given by either party eighteen <br />months prior to the expiration of any ten -year period. <br />