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(e) Cause such scrap or junk yards to be checked and serviced at <br />reasonable intervals in the effective extermination of rodents in accordance <br />with Health Department Standards. <br />(f) No scrap or junk shall be stored in any scrap or junk yard, u <br />the same shall be in a building or enclosed yard, and if said junk or scrap <br />shall be stored in a junk or and such yard sh�be enclosed by a fence <br />at least six (6) feet in heighuttannd� con t�ted to retain all scrap and <br />junk materials within such scrap yard, and also that said junk or scrap stored <br />in said enclosed yard if combustible or inflammable shall not be stored closer <br />than three (3) feet to said fence enclosing said yard. Provided, however, thai <br />such fencing shall not be required along railroad sidings. <br />(g) Establish and maintain separate areas at reasonably safe dis- <br />tances from buildings and stored scrap materials to be used for the burning <br />of old automobiles and other scrap such reasonable manner as to c. <br />the least possible detriment and annoyance to occupants of adjoining properties <br />(h) Papers, rags and other loose scrap and junk material shall be <br />handled, stored and maintained in such a way as to prevent the same from becom• <br />ing loose in said junk or scrap yard. <br />Section 2, INSPECTION. It shall be the duty of the Fire Prevention <br />Bureau to inspect each and every junk or scrap yard, or junk dealer or scrap <br />dealer, licensed to operate as a scrap yard dealer or junk yard dealer, once <br />every six months, for the purpose of determining whether or not the owner or <br />operator thereof is observing and abiding by the rules and regulations above <br />referred to. <br />Section 3. VIOLATION. Any person, persons, firm or corporation <br />found guilty of violating the rules and regulations above referred to, or any <br />other provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to having his license su <br />pended by the Board, and upon the determination by the Fire Prevention Bureau <br />that said junk yard or junk dealer, or scrap yard or scrap dealer, has violate <br />any of the rules and regulations as above set forth, such Fire Prevention Burl <br />shall notify such owner or operator of such junk or scrap yard, or shall noti] <br />such junk dealer of such violation, in writing, and *ft said licensee shall <br />have the right to appeal the determination by the Fire Prevention Bureau to tt <br />Fire Board of Appeals, within ten (10) days from the receipt of said written <br />notice. <br />