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l ©, <br />131 & 2nd REARia <br />CL cYU ar <br />"''9.Fi3 S <br />REFz�r.—: <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING FUNDS <br />FROM C-11 SERVICES= PERSONAL <br />(CITY CLERK) $238.64 TO Arll <br />SERVICES- PERSONAL (OFFICE OF <br />MAYOR) AND ESTABLISHING SALARY <br />OF DEPUTY.CTTY CLERKS AT $3600.00 <br />EACH;, ALL OF THE BUDGET. FOR 1954 <br />OF I THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND.. <br />INDIANA AND DECLARING IT AN <br />EMERGENCY., <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Civil City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I- The sumo of $23$.64 is hereby transferred from C-11 Services - <br />Personal. City Clerk) to A -11 Services - Personal (Office of Mayor) and the <br />salary of deputy city clerks is hereby established at $3600.00 each; all of <br />the budget for the year 1954 of the Civil City of South Bend,* Indiana. <br />SECTION tI: The above funds are required for the proper operation and <br />functioning of the aforementioned Departments under the budget for the year <br />1954 and an emergency is declared to exist concerning said transfers and <br />appropriations. <br />SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and <br />after its passage by the Common Council., its approval by the Mayor and the <br />fulfillment of all statutory requirements relating to emergency appropriations, <br />AG -'S� <br />