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record, then the quantity of water used may be determined in <br />such manner as the Board of Public Works and Safety may elect. <br />(d) The quantity of water obtained from sources other than <br />the municipal waterworks and discharged into the public sanitary <br />sewer system, may be determined by the City in such manner as the <br />Board of Public Works and Safety shall elect, and the sewage <br />treatment service may be billed at the above rates. <br />(e) Such rates and charges shall be applied to the water <br />consumption billed after this ordinance shall have been placed in <br />effect except as herein otherwise provided. In order that there <br />be no sewage service charge to residential water consumers for <br />water used in lawn sprinkling, the sewage service bill for each <br />of the months of May, June, July, August, September and October <br />shall be an amount equal-to the average of the sewage service.., . <br />billings of the preceding-months of November, December, January, <br />February,_ March and April._ Averages resulting in fractions of <br />One Hundred (100) cubic feet shall be raised to the next whole <br />number of One Hundred (100) cubic computing the billing <br />for the-said months of May, June,, July,. August, September and <br />October. At the option of the City the charge..for. the month of <br />May may be equal to the charge of the preceding November, June <br />equal to the preceding December, July equal to the preceding Janu- <br />ary, August equal to the preceding February, September equal to the <br />preceding'March, and October equal to the preceding April, making <br />the aggregate charges for May, June, July, August, September and <br />October equal to the aggregate charges for the preceding November, <br />December, January, February, March and April. Residential users of <br />water billed for sewage service for the first time in the months of <br />May, June, July, August, September and October shall be billed the <br />minimum charge. Provided, however, nothing herein contained shall <br />prevent the owner or occupant of any residential premise from <br />electing to pay for sewage service on the basis of water used in <br />every month, in the manner herein provided, if such owner or <br />occupant makes application in writing to pay on this basis and <br />3 <br />