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R E S O L U T I O N <br />OF <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY <br />WHEREAS, the Stream Pollution Control Board of the State <br />of Indiana, acting pursuant to Chapter 214 of the Acts of the <br />General Assembly for the year 1943 on December 14, 1945, issued <br />a final order to the City of South Bend ordering said City to <br />cease and desist polluting streams and water courses in and <br />about said City, and said Board is demanding that a sewage <br />treatment works be constructed by the City without delay; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board has heretofore employed Consoer, <br />Townsend & Associates, Consulting Engineers of Chicago, Illinois, <br />to prepare plans, specifications and estimates for said <br />project, and said Engineers have prepared said plans, specifi- <br />cations and estimates for said project and have estimated the <br />cost thereof, including all of the items required by statute, <br />to be in the approximate amount of Nine lKillion Three Hundred <br />Twenty -five Thousand Dollars 09,325,000.00), more particularly <br />itemized as follows; <br />Cost,of construction, including engineering <br />,and contingencies X8,8671000.00 <br />Real estate, easements, etc. 25,000.00 <br />Legal, administrative and other expense, <br />including expenses incidental to <br />issuance of bonds. 433,000.00 <br />Total $92325,000.00 <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Board finds that on the basis of the estimated <br />cost of the project and the recommendations of the Engineers, <br />the estimated schedule of rates and basis of charges for <br />I <br />sewage treatment service should be as follows; <br />