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may be necessary or useful and convenient for the collection <br />and treatment, purification and disposal in a sanitary manner of <br />the liquid and solid waste, sewage, night soil and industrial <br />wastes of said City, and to acquire all necessary lands, rights <br />of way, or other property therefor within or without the cor- <br />porate limits of the City, under and pursuant to Chapter 61 of <br />the Indiana General Assembly for the year 1932, and all Acts <br />amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto (hereinafter some- <br />times referred to as the "Act "). The term "sewage treatment <br />works ", "works" and other like terms used in this ordinance <br />shall be construed to mean and include all facilities and <br />property for collecting, pumping, transporting, treating and <br />disposing of sewage. <br />Section 2. Said sewage treatment works, consisting of <br />lands, easements, rights of way, buildings, grit chambers, pre - <br />aeration tanks, primary settling tanks, aeration tanks, secondary <br />settling tanks, chlorination tanks, sludge digesters, sludge <br />beds, pumping stations, sewage lift stations, intercepting <br />sewers, river crossing syphons and chambers, connecting sewers, <br />diversion sewers, lateral sewers and lateral connections, and <br />other equipment, accessories and appurtenances, shall be ac- <br />quired and constructed in accordance with the plans, specifi- <br />cations and estimates heretofore prepared by Consoer, Townsend & <br />Associates, Consulting Engineers of Chicago, Illinois, which <br />are now on file in the office of the Board of Public Works and <br />Safety and are hereby adopted and approved, and by reference <br />made a part of this ordinance as fully as if the same were at- <br />tached hereto or incorporated herein, the cost of said sewage <br />works as estimated by said Engineers being in the amount of <br />Nine Million Three Hundred and Twenty -five Thousand Dollars <br />($9,325,010.00). <br />Section 3. The funds required for the payment of the <br />cost of construction of said sewage treatment works shall be <br />