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c <br />ORDINANCE NO. 44,40 LEC.........,...... <br />AL DEPART'..... yr. <br />�yA'C t <br />AN ORDINANCE ORDt,RING AND PROVIDING FOR <br />THE SALE OF Cj.1i&AIN REAL ESTATE' IN THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BLIVD, CT. JO'_sPH, COUFTY, <br />INDIAIVA, [vHICH SAID R,;' L L'STAT ; IS 06VI'D <br />BY SAID CITY FOR USE OF ITS PARK DPART- <br />M.&WT <br />WHEREASJ after due consideration and it has <br />been found by the Board of Park Commissioners of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, that the real estate as hereinafter described, by <br />reason of its restricted area and unsuited topography has never been <br />and is not now susceptible of development for park purposes, dnd <br />ti✓HEREAS, it has been found by said Board of Park <br />Commissioners that said real estate can be sold and disposed of to <br />the advantage and best interests of the City of South Bend, Indianal <br />and <br />WHERSAS� said Board of Park Commissioners has prepared, <br />delivered and submitted this ordinance to the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, ordering and authorising the sale of said real <br />estate as by law provided, en -d <br />NOdi !H 12is1'ORE, be it ordained by the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />Section 1. That the City of South Bend, Indiana, sell and <br />convey the following described real estate in South Bend, St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana, to -wit: <br />A part of Lots Lettered 11111 and "Y" as shown on <br />the recorded Plat of Wender & Kreighbaumis Vistula <br />Avenue Addition to the City of South Bend, St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, described as beginning at <br />a point One Hundred Sixty -three and Sixty -eight <br />Hundredths (163.68 feet West of the Northwest <br />corner of Lot Lettered "P11, in said Addition; running <br />thence Northwesterly along the following described <br />2ine: From said point of beginning, running North- <br />westerly to strike a point in line with the Westerly <br />line of Lot Lettered "K ", in said Addition, projected <br />Southwesterly Seventy -five (75) feet from the North- <br />west corner of said Lot Lettered "K", to the present <br />South Line of the right -of -way of the Grand Trunk <br />Western Railroad; thence westerly along said South <br />line to an iron in the West line of said Lot Lettered <br />"Y "; thence South along the said West line of Lot <br />F 71 <br />FE B 2 6 1957 <br />FREDA G: NOBLE <br />CITY CLERK <br />