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Y <br />STATE OF INDIANA <br />SS <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />DEC 5 - 1955 <br />EVELYN M. HENNESSY, <br />CITY. CLERK <br />TO: The Common Council of The City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />The petitioners, Standard Oil Company of Indiana, <br />Robert E. Young and Mildred F. Young, William C. Young, and Augusta <br />Young, respectively petition that Ordinance #3702 adopted by the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend on the 13th day of June, <br />1949, and more commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of <br />South Bend, be amended by rezoning a certain parcel of land located <br />in the City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana, <br />known and described as follows, to -wit: <br />All of Lot Numbered Eight (8) as shown on the <br />Recorded Plat of A. H. Cushing Addition to the <br />City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, State <br />of Indiana, and a strip of land Thirty -three <br />feet and six inches (33'611) north and south <br />taken off of and from the.entire west side of <br />Lot Numbered Seven (7) as shown on the Recorded <br />Plat of A. H. Cushing-Addition to the City of <br />South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, <br />and that said above described land be rezoned from B residence <br />district and B- height and area district to C commercial district <br />and C- height and area district. <br />The petitioners state that they are the owners of the above <br />described real estate. <br />The petitioners further state that they have attached <br />hereto a form of ordinance for the convenience, use, and approval of <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend. <br />, the petitioners respectively request that the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend accept and act favorably <br />upon their petition and that the above described real estate be re- <br />zoned as herein requested. <br />