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Substitute Bill No. 17 -14 <br />Responsible Animal and Pet Ownership Care and Control Regulation Ordinance <br />Page 5 <br />Article 1. General Provisions. <br />See. 5 -1. Legislative Findings and Intent of Regulations. <br />(a) The following regulations are enacted in the interest of setting forth comprehensive public <br />safety regulations which, when effectively implemented, administered and enforced, promote <br />responsible anima] and pet ownership. The regulations are aimed at ensuring due process protections for <br />owners by promoting responsible animal and pet ownership, which is essential to the protection of <br />animals residing in the city limits. <br />(b) The following regulations set forth the best practices for the humane and ethical treatment of <br />animals by requiring animal and pet owners to comply with reasonable regulations in order to be <br />responsible owners. <br />Sec. 5-2. Definitions. <br />For the purpose of this Chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates <br />or requires a different meaning: <br />(a) Abandon: To knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly leave unattended, without proper food, water, <br />or shelter, for 24 hours or more, in or about a building or structure or any portion thereof on or <br />about any property.2 <br />(b) Adequate shelter: A structure designed specifically to shelter an animal that allows an animal to <br />maintain its body heat, with a roof, structured floor and three sides free of leaks or openings to the <br />wind and rain, and a fourth side allowing access that is protected from the elements. The structure <br />is physically located in a dry area allowing the animal dF5, keeping to stay dry and access outside the <br />structure to dry ground that is mud free. Livestock require a structure with three sides and a roof <br />designed to protect it from the elements. <br />(c) Altered animal: An animal that has been operated on to prevent it from procreating. <br />(d) Animal. Any living vertebrate, domestic or wild, except a human being.3 <br />'Indiana Code § 25- 38.1 -4 -8 sets forth regulations addressing "abandoned animals" and the role of a veterinarian. Indiana <br />Code § 3546 -3 -7, Version A addresses abandonment or neglect effective through July 1, 2014 and Indiana Code § 35 -46 -3- <br />7, Version B sets forth regulations addressing abandonment and neglect which become effective July 1, 2014. <br />3 Indiana Code § 25- 38.1 -1 -5 defines an animal as including "birds, fish, mammals and reptiles wild or domestic ". <br />