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j'. <br />STATE OF INDIANA ) VERIFIED PETITION TO CHANGE ZONING <br />) SS: CLASSIFICATION OF REAL ESTATE FROM <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY ) "A' RESIDENTIAL TO "C" COMMERCIAL <br />TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />Come now the undersigned Petitioners and respectfully show and <br />submit the following: <br />1. The said Petitioners, Clarence W. Dockery and Martha Dockery, <br />husband and wife, are the owners of the following described real estate, situate <br />in St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />A part of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section <br />No. 5, Township 37 North, Range 3 East, described as <br />follows: Beginning at the intersection of McKinley Avenue <br />or U. S. Highway No. 20 and Logan Street, or Hickory <br />Road in the center of McKinley Avenue at the Southeast <br />corner of said Section No. 5; running thence North 326. 25 <br />feet; thence West 312. 57 feet; thence North on a line paral- <br />lel with Logan Street or Hickory Road 403. 25 feet; thence <br />East 311. 90 feet to the East line of said Section 5; thence <br />South along said East line 400 feet to the place of beginning. <br />2. That the said real estate is now presently zoned and classified <br />as residential property, Class "A ". <br />3. That it would be to the advantage of the said owners, as well <br />as all adjoining property owners, if said property were classified as com- <br />mercial property, Class "C" with "B" Height and Area District. <br />WHEREFORE, your Petitioners hereby respectfully petition to re- <br />zone and reclassify the above described real estate to "C" Commercial Use <br />District and "B" Height and Area District. <br />Submitted this IIIIII������� �day of June, 1961. <br />�✓� �Clarence W. DockerE�y� <br />ar ha Dockery _ <br />