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(~LTL,AI~ 1~lJ~TI1~TCs <br />CCT~~E~ 27 200$ ~_ ,. <br />~, <br />SC~LI_TTION N~. 77-200$ <br />A ~'S~I,IJTION ~F T~II/ ~~A OF I~I_T-3l=,IC W~ S <br />F~I~ TFIII~ CITY ~F SC~IJTId ~I;NJ~, INI'}IANA <br />A3~~I~TINC~ AN IIa1;NTIY TId~FT PI~~T~CTI01`~T FRIG ~ IN ACCT ANCF, MITI-I; <br />T'~I~ FAIR ~NI~ ACCLT T~ CR~~IT T IoTSAC~I'I~NS AC ~' <br />TI~i/ AS, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions A.ct (`°FACTA"), an an~ea~d~z~e <br />t® the Fair Credit I~epc~rtir~~ Act (i5 ~TSC ~ i6$l ~~ seq.}, recl~ires eredit~rs i~~el~ <br />rnz~nicipalities t® develop and irnple~nent a pr~grarn and t® ad®pt certain policies in ~ <br />detect, prevent, and rniti~ate identity theft in c~rn~ectie~n with the ®pening ~f ce~°tai ~~ its <br />inchring, bid nit lixr~ited t~, ~ztility acc~~ants; and <br />IdF,AS, FACIA fizrtl2er regn~es that s~~ch pr«bra~n and policies be ir~aplerneg~ted and <br />be made effective na later than N~vc;~nber 1, 200$; and <br />~IIE AS, the City ®f S~~tlz fiend ("City'>} acting by and thr~~~h its ~~ard ~ "'!~ <br />~'c~rks ("Board"} has detergnined tl-aat tike p~lacy attached hereto and inc~rp~rated b <br />.~°a " ., ~~ ~6Ag' ("Identity Theft ~~licy'~ is in the best interests ~f the City and its reside _- <br />ca~nplies with the p~zrposes and pr~visi®ns ~f FACIA and all ether applicable feder~ ', <br />local laws; and <br />WFI~ AS, the ~~ard desires t~ adapt tl~e attached Identity Theft ~~liey fir ~~se ~, <br />City depa~°txx~ents and divisions. <br />1`~TQ~Y, TI~EI~FC -~, ~E I'T S~p,Y~I~ by d~ae ward ~f I~~blic ~c~rl~s far the ~' <br />Seth fiend, Indiana as f~ll~as: <br />AI~OI'TEI~ at a ~~aeetinb cif the I3~ard of l~~blic Wc~rlcs held ~n pct®ber 27, 200$ at 22 r <br />west .Ieffers®n, ~~®n~ 130$, C~~.~nty-City ~~ilding, S®~th fiend, Indiana X16601. <br />CITY ~F SOLTTId ~~NI~, INDIANA <br />~30A ~F PtJ~I,IC ~I2I~S <br />s/Linda 1VIafl-tin, Clerlt <br />s/Caary A. C~d~t, President <br />s/~ahn 1~I~rplay,lt~Iernber <br />s/I)~nald E. Inks, 14ilen~ber <br />AI7~PT IZES~I,IJTICN N{~. N~. 7$-200$ -_~_S~L,IJTI~N ~F TId~ CITY OF SC~~TT]E <br />~ENI~ ~C~A OF I'tJ~I_,IC ~~IZI~S ~N I~ISPOSAIJ CAF UNFIT ANI~/~I~ CC~~SC~~ l1TlJ <br />PI~OPEI~T'Y <br />IJp®n a rn~ti~n a~aade by l~!Ir. ~ilc~t, seconded by 1VIr. Inl~s and carried, tl~e f~ll~winb , <br />was adapted by tl~e l3~ard cif P~b1ic i~T®rlcs: <br />St~I,I7TION N~. 7$-200$ <br />A S~I,LTTI~N ~F TIdE S~LTTId I3~NI~ ~~A ~F PLT]~I,IC ~I2I~S <br />~N I~ISP~SAI, ~F UNFIT AN®I~IZ ~l3SC~LET~ I~I~C~I~I/I~TY <br />~YIdIJ ~AS, it has been determined by the ~~ard ~f Public orlcs that the f~llowi~~ ~~ ~ <br />is unI~t fir the pu~-p~se fir which it was intended and is n~ linger needed by die City ~a <br />Mende <br />