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1Zl~CIITI,A12 I~E~~' ll~~ ~~T(~~~I~ 27 2~~~ <br />be conclazsive evidezzce ~f the ~I~~T's appr~nval ~f such changes. `The Clerk is hereby ~.. <br />ale a copy ®f the agency ~greez~zent with the C~rnn~issi~nn. <br />~I~T~T. <br />Secti®n 2. `This®n shall be in Iizll ftnrce and effect after its ad~pti~nn by tine <br />~iII)C~I~T~II~ at a eeting ~f the City ~f South fiend hoard snf I'ublac irks laeu " <br />Qctober 27, 2004, at 9,30 a.zn., in I~oozrz 1304, County-City wilding, South i=3~nd, y <br />46601. <br />~O~ ~~' I'U~IJIC ~CI2I~S <br />CI`T~ QI~ S~~UTII 13~1~TI~, I1~TL~I~41~Ir~ <br />s/ Gary pilot <br />s/ Donald Iz~lcs <br />s/ 7ol~~~z pI. 1~LZrphy <br />ATTI;S`I~. <br />slf,inda 1Vlartin, Clerl~ <br />~.IaOI~T ~ SOI,IJ~'ION I°~~. 41-2004 - ACCEI~~'I~1 i~ C~ITI~T'T~I2-O~'F'I/R ~NII~ 1~ppP~C~Il'~iC <br />`TIT'~'INC AI~I~ C~RT~I I~TCs I~ITI~CTIA.SI ~F d~~PI;RTY I~ ~'~~ CI~~' ~~' S~~J`~,'i-i <br />~I/~I~, INI~IA.1~iA. ~A k~~Ii`f ~I~ 17242 I~C?IJJC~I,~4S RC~AI~I <br />Upon a z~zotion made by l~Ir. C~ilot, seconded by I14r. Irzlcs and carried, the fendowing I~e~ ~~ __ <br />was adopted by the hoard of I~ublic orkso <br />S~IIITTIOl~i laTQ. 4 Z -2004 <br />I~S~LtI~'I~N ~CC~I~`TTi~C C~I~'TEIZ-~~I~11I~ AI~TI3 AI~I~I~~~INC, <br />I~Il~'~I~(~ ~1~iI3 CONI~I TNC~ I'I1I~CI~~SE ~3I~ PI~~P~IZT~ <br />I1~T `TIdE CI`T~ CST SC~LJ`TI-I ~ENI~, INL~IAI~1A <br />(A, F1~I~T ~~' 17242 I3C~IJCI,AS R~AD~ <br />~TI-I~ AS, the City of South fiend, Indiana (the "City"~ is a municipality for purposes <br />®f Indiana Code §32-242-2; and <br />Ids A S, the City l1aS deterznined that it is necessary to ®pen, change or layonzt <br />located within the City, to-wito I~~LTCLr~S ~~AI~ ti~TII~ENII~C~ (the "I'ro~ect"~, which 'r <br />will serve a public purpose, be of benefnt to the health or general welfare of tl~e azn~t, ar~~i a ~n <br />the best interest of the citizens of the City; and <br />I~l/ ~S, pursuant ten Indiana Code X36-9-6-3 and. Indiana Code X32-24-2- <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, hoard of I~ublic Works (the Aboard@) is the entity vested n <br />authority and power to acquire, receive, manage azad sere for the property of the Cit~,T ~ <br />construct the I~ro~ ect; and <br />~T+II-I~IZ~I~S, in arder tzn prcnperly c®n~nplete tl~ze I~r®~ect it is necessary t® acqu' -e <br />City wants to acquire that portion of a parcel of propen-ty as set forth in IJxhibit A (zone z~ <br />I~ropez°ty"~; and <br />and <br />V~TII~ ~AS, the I~~W Property is owned by the persons or entities set f®rdz in <br />WIII1 AS, flee Board has previously authorized d~ze Staff to continue nego <br />purchase of the I-~CW Propez~ty; and <br />WTI ~S, flee owner of the I2~W Property and the Staff have agreed up®n ~~ f <br />price of "Thiz~ty 1~our `Thousand Tive I4undred and 00/100 I~odars 034,500.00); and <br />WISE ~S, the hoard Inds that flee negotiated purchase price is reasonable and slao~zzld <br />be approved, rataded and condrz~zed; and <br />