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ORDINANCE NO. `7 / 0 <br />AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING FROM POLICE PENSION <br />FUND ACCOUNT Z -532, PENSIONS OF POLICEMEN BE- <br />COMING ELIGIBLE DURING YEAR, THE SUM OF $1800. 00 <br />TO POLICE PENSION FUND ACCOUNT Z -534, DEATH <br />.BENEFITS, ALL OF THE BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1957 <br />OP THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AND <br />DECLARING AN EXTRAORDINARY EMERGENCY, <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Civil City of South Bend, <br />Indiana: <br />SECTION 1: The following sum of money is hereby transferred from Police <br />Pension Fund Account Z -532, Pensions of Policemen Becoming Eligible During <br />the Year, $1800. 00, to Police Pension Fund Account Z -534, Death Benefits, <br />all of the budget for the year 1957 of the Civil City of South Bend, Indiana, and <br />declaring an extraordinary emergency. <br />SECTION II: The above funds are required for the proper operation and <br />function of the aforementioned departments under the budget for 1957, and <br />an emergency is declared to exist concerning said transfers. <br />SECTION III: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its passage by the Common Council, its approval by the Mayor and the ful- <br />fillment of all statutory requirements of emergency appropriations, <br />IM & 2nd READING gI �' 4'S 7 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE g1IIS -7 <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />3rd READING I�,�3I�� <br />NOT APPROVED l <br />REFEWED <br />PMEN el[k3j�� <br />i/ M ber of the Commo Council <br />AP R0VED Y <br />...................................... ..............................1 ..... <br />AUG 23 '57 pM <br />FILED <br />cIFY of sourhj BEND <br />FREDA G. NOBLE, CLERK <br />