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Section 3. Whenever the building commissioner <br />determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has <br />been a violation of any provision of this ordinance which affects the <br />safety of any such occupants or the safety of the general public, or <br />that there has been a violation of any such provisions which affects <br />the health of the occupants of any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming <br />unit, building used as a dwelling or premises, (or whenever a petition <br />is filed with the building commissioner by at least twenty residents <br />of the city, charging that any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming unit, <br />building used as a dwelling or premises is unfit for human habitation . <br />or is dangerous to the general public), then the building commissioner <br />shall give notice of such violation found to exist to the person or <br />persons responsible therefor, and to any known agent of such person <br />as hereinafter provided. Such notice shall: <br />a. Be put in writing. <br />b. Include a statement of the reasons why it <br />is being issued. <br />c. Allow reasonable time for the performance <br />of any act it requires. <br />d. Be served upon the owner or his agent, or <br />the occupant, as the case may require; <br />provided that such notice shall be deemed to <br />be properly served upon such owner or agent, <br />or upon such occupant, if a copy thereof is <br />served upon him personally, or if a copy <br />thereof is sent by registered mail to his <br />last known address, and if a copy thereof <br />is posted in a conspicuous place in or about <br />the dwelling affected by the notice, or if he <br />is served with such notice by any other <br />method authorized or required under the <br />laws of this state. <br />-4- <br />