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unless existing conditions or practices at his rooming house are <br />corrected, may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter <br />before the Board of Public Works and Safety, under the procedure <br />provided by this ordinance; provided that if no petition for such hear- <br />ing is filed within 72 hours following the day on which such permit was <br />suspended, such permit shall be deemed to have been automatically <br />revoked. <br />Section 22. At least one flush water closet, lavatory <br />basin, and bathtub or shower, properly connected to a water and <br />sewer system approved by the building commissioner and in good <br />working condition, shall be supplied for each eight persons or <br />fraction thereof residing within a rooming house, including members of <br />the operator's family wherever they share the use of the said facil- <br />ities; provided that in a rooming house where rooms are let only <br />to males, flush urinals may be substituted for not more than one -half <br />the required numb.�r of water closets. All such facilities shall be <br />so located within the ci <.ieiling as to be reasonably accessible from a <br />comrmm Tali or pas sagcway to al'. persons sharing such facilities. <br />Every lavatory basin and bathtub or shower shall be supplied with <br />hot water at all times. No such facilities shall be located in a base- <br />ment except by written approval of the building commissioner. <br />S^.ction 23. The operator of every rooming house <br />who supplies linens shall change supplied bed linen and towels therein <br />at least once each week, and prior to the letting of any room to any <br />occupant. The operator shall be responsible for the maintenance <br />of all supplied bedding in a clean and sanitary manner. <br />Section 24. Every room occupied for sleeping pur- <br />poses by one person shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor space, <br />and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one <br />person shall contain at least 40 square feet of floor space for each <br />- 18 - <br />