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payers under the provisions of Section 64 -1332 Burns Indiana <br />Statutes Annotated, 1933, then no further steps toward the <br />issuance of said bonds shall be taken unless and until the State <br />Board of Tax Commissioners shall issue its order approving the <br />issuance of said bonds. In the event it shall be determined by the <br />State Board of Tax Commissioners, or otherwise, that the whole <br />amount of the bonds herein authorized shall not be issued, then the <br />City Controller shall be authorized to advertise and sell a lesser <br />amount of bonds, and the bonds not issued and sold shall be the <br />bonds of the largest maturity or maturities. <br />Section 5. Prior to the sale of said bonds the City <br />Controller shall cause to be published a notice of such sale once <br />each week for two (2) weeks in said the South Bend Tribune and <br />The Record. The date fixed for the sale shall not be earlier than <br />seven (7) days after the last of said publications. Said bond sale <br />notice shall state the time and place of sale, the purpose for which <br />the bonds are being issued, the total amount thereof, the maximum <br />rate of interest thereon, the time and place of payment, the terms <br />and conditions on which bitb:. will be received and sale made, and <br />such other information as the City Controller shall deem necessary. <br />All bids for said bonds shall be sealed and shall be <br />presented to the City Controller at his office, and said Controller <br />shall continue to receive all bids offered until the time designated <br />on the day fixed in the bond sale notice, at which time and place he <br />shall open and consider said bids. Bidders for said bonds shall be <br />required to name the rate of interest which the bonds are to bear, <br />6 - <br />