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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AR ORDINANCE amending and supplementing. Zoning Ordinance <br />No, 3702, as heretofore amgended and supplemented. <br />BE IT'ORIDA INrM by the Common Council of the City of <br />)South Bend, Indiana: <br />Sectim 1. - That oning Ordinance -No. 3702,- as heretofore <br />amended and supplemented, is hereby amended and <br />supplemented by the zoning of the following.described <br />property from ",&" Residential to "B" Residential„ to -wit: <br />A parcel of land in the East Half. of the South, East. <br />Quarter of Section Number 5, Township Number <br />37 North, Range Number. 3 East., described, as <br />follows; via: Beginning at a point on the South, <br />line of said: Section Number 5, 31a. 23 feet West <br />of the Southeast corner of said Section; running <br />thence North, parallel with the East line of said <br />Section:,: a distance of 726 feet, thence West on a <br />line parallel -with the South line, of said Section, <br />300 feet; thence South parallel with the East line <br />of said Section, 495 feet; thence East 155 feet; <br />thence South 231 feet to the: South line of said. <br />Selection; thence East along said South line, 145 feet <br />to the place of teginning, being now within and a <br />part of the City of South Bend, together with buildings <br />thereon, commonly known as: 3605 East McKinley <br />Avenue,, South Bend; <br />Section 2 - This Ordinance skull be in full force and effect. <br />from and after its enactment, approval by the Mayor and <br />legal publication, <br />Mearibe' o the Common Cowicil <br />& 2nd READYS Vt /& O <br />WITTEE OF THE WWU <br />.LID HEARING c/ %� /66 �uwGi� <br />READING 15- 61416A d <br />A`flWiVED 63- /0 I u/ b <br />",4E0 <br />iED !0 /1p <br />PROVED BY <br />........................ ..............................1 <br />