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PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, WHICH SAID <br />ORDINANCE IS MORE PARTICULARLY KNOWN AS <br />ORDINANCE NUMBERED 3702, AS AMENDED <br />TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AND THE CITY PLAN <br />COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA <br />Comes now Industrial Foundation, Inc. of South Bend, <br />Indiana; Nicholas F. Krill; William L. Krill; Dorothy V. Krill; <br />First Bank and Trust Company of South Bend, Trustee of the Trust <br />created by Joyce Krill Goff; William L. Krill, Executor of the <br />last will and testament of Dorothy K. Barthel; Alice F. Barton; <br />Robert C. Barton; Ethel M. Fassnacht; Homer Fassnacht; Emma Mae <br />Jackson; Charles A. Jackson; and George W. Jackson, hereinafter <br />referred to as "Petitioners ", and respectfully petition the Honor- <br />able Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, and the <br />Honorable City Plan Commission of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />as follows: <br />1. That Industrial Foundation, Inc. of South Bend, <br />Indiana, is a nonprofit corporation and holds written options to <br />purchase the realty hereinafter described, which said realty is <br />located in the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of <br />Indiana, to wit: <br />AM <br />The South one -half (2) of the South one -half <br />(z) of the Northeast quarter (;—,) of Section No. 33, <br />Township No. 38 North, Range No. 2 East; together <br />with a parcel of realty commencing on the East line <br />of Section No. 33 in Township 38 North, Range 2 East <br />at a point 660 ft. North of the Southeast corner of <br />the Northeast quarter of said Section No. 33; thence <br />West a distance of 1320.60 feet to the Southwest <br />corner of the North one -half of the Southeast quarter <br />of the Northeast quarter of said Section No. 33; <br />thence North 261.56 feet; thence East 1320.67 feet <br />to a point on the East line of said Section No. 33 <br />which is 275.68 feet North of the place of beginning; <br />thence South 275.68 feet to the place of beginning, <br />consisting of approximately 48 acres more or less. <br />2. That Petitioners are interested in enhancing the <br />development and benefits available to the residents of the City of <br />