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STATE OF INDIANA - ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ) <br />PETITION ) <br />OF ) <br />MARJORIE DRINSKI ) <br />PETITION FOR REZONING. <br />1. Your petitioner, Marjorie Drinski, would show to your Honorable <br />Council, that she is the owner of the following described real estate in the <br />City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />Lot Numbered Five (5) as shown on the recorded <br />Plat of Burrough's Subdivision of Bank Out Lot <br />One Hundred Fifteen (115) of the Third Plat of <br />Out Lots to the Town, now City of South Bend, to- <br />gether with the West One -half (1/2) of the vacated <br />alley lying East of and adjoining the same, excepting <br />therefrom that part of said lot taken for the opening <br />of Williams Street. <br />That the fee simple title to said real estate stands in the name of your <br />petitioner. <br />2. That the above described real estate is presently zoned "B" <br />Residential according to the zoning ordinances of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana; and that the other properties contiguous to or in close proximity <br />to the captioned real estate are zoned "B" Residential, "C" Commercial and <br />"A" Residential; that the within captioned real estate is a corner property <br />formed by the intersection of Williams Street, Navarre Street, and Portage <br />Avenue. <br />s <br />STATE OF INDIANA - ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ) <br />PETITION ) <br />OF ) <br />MARJORIE DRINSKI ) <br />PETITION FOR REZONING. <br />1. Your petitioner, Marjorie Drinski, would show to your Honorable <br />Council, that she is the owner of the following described real estate in the <br />City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />Lot Numbered Five (5) as shown on the recorded <br />Plat of Burrough's Subdivision of Bank Out Lot <br />One Hundred Fifteen (115) of the Third Plat of <br />Out Lots to the Town, now City of South Bend, to- <br />gether with the West One -half (1/2) of the vacated <br />alley lying East of and adjoining the same, excepting <br />therefrom that part of said lot taken for the opening <br />of Williams Street. <br />That the fee simple title to said real estate stands in the name of your <br />petitioner. <br />2. That the above described real estate is presently zoned "B" <br />Residential according to the zoning ordinances of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana; and that the other properties contiguous to or in close proximity <br />to the captioned real estate are zoned "B" Residential, "C" Commercial and <br />"A" Residential; that the within captioned real estate is a corner property <br />formed by the intersection of Williams Street, Navarre Street, and Portage <br />Avenue. <br />