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Beginning at a point where the North line of the City limits inter- <br />sects the Westerly bank of the St. Joseph River; thence Northerly <br />along the Westerly bank of the St. Joseph River to the South right - <br />of -way line of Darden Road; thence Westerly along the South right - <br />of -way line of Darden Road to a point Six Hundred Fifty -eight and <br />Ninety -five Hundredths (658.95) feet East of the place where the <br />South right -of -way line of Darden Road intersects the East line of <br />Lilac Road; thence North Four Hundred Six and eighty -four Hundredths <br />(4o6.84) feet; thence blest Six Hundred Fifty -eight and Ninety -five <br />Hundredths (658.95) feet to the East right -of -way line of Lilac ?toad; <br />thence South along the East right -of -way line of Lilac Road One Thousand <br />Twenty and Twenty -two Hundredths (1,020.22) feet; thence East Three <br />Hundred Twenty -three and twenty -three Hundredths (323.23) feet, thence <br />South One Hundred Ninety -six and no Hundredths (196.00) feet; thence <br />West Three Hundred Twenty -four and Six - tenths (32L.6) feet; thence+ <br />South Nine Hundred Seventy -eight and Twenty -five Hundredths (978.25) <br />feet; thence East Five Hundred Three (503) feet; thence South Three <br />Hundred Twenty -three (323) feet; thence East Three Hundred (300) feet; <br />thence South Thirty -two and Five Tenths (32.5) feet; thence East <br />Three Hundred. Fifty (350) feet; thence South Four Hundred Seventy -seven <br />and Five tenths (477.5) feet to the centerline of Cleveland Road; thence <br />East along the centerline of Cleveland Road to the place of beginning, <br />containing One Hundred Seven (107) acres, more or less. <br />