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are each and all authorized to accept all financial instruments expressly included in Ind. Code <br />Section 36- 1 -8 -11, including but not limited to credit cards and bank cards, and other financial <br />instrument accounts such as PayPal, in payment for goods, services, fees, and other costs charged <br />to the public by such City Departments as part of their regular, ordinary business. This shall <br />include Tax Abatement Petition fees charged by the Department of Community Investment. <br />The acceptance of financial instruments in payment for City goods, services, fees and other costs <br />shall be made under and pursuant to the procedures set forth in I.C. 36- 1 -8 -11, as the same may <br />be amended from time to time. <br />SECTION II. Charge Pass - Through Procedure. <br />If there is a charge to the City and/or its Departments for the use of a financial instrument <br />to make such payments, the City or the affected City Department may collect a sum equal to the <br />amount of the charge from the person, business, or other entity using the financial instrument. <br />SECTION M. Procedures Uniformly Applied. <br />City Departments shall apply uniform procedures for all payments of the same type <br />which are made by financial instruments. <br />SECTION IV. Prior Approval of City Controller and Corporation Counsel. <br />A City Department desiring to accept financial instruments in payment for City goods, <br />services, fees and other costs shall notify the City Controller and the City Corporation Counsel <br />of its intent to do so and shall provide a brief summary of its desired payment program to <br />include the type of financial instrument to be accepted by the Department, the type of payments <br />to be accepted from the public using the designated financial instrument(s), the name of the <br />financial institution offering the financial instrument along with the institution's service costs, <br />and the desired date for commencement of the payment program. Permission from the City <br />Controller and Corporation Counsel, or their designees, shall be obtained by the Department <br />before commencing the payment program. <br />