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AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE <br />STATE OF INDIANA ) <br />) SS: <br />Sr. JOSEPH COWN ) <br />I, EMERY L. MOLNAR, the duly elected, qualified and acting Auditor <br />of St. Joseph County, Indiana, hereby certify that the net assessed <br />valuation of taxable property in the City of South Bend, exclusive <br />of all exemption allowed, as shown by the assessment made for City and <br />County taxes in the year 1961, is in the amount of Two Hundred Twenty -six <br />Million, Five Hundred Seventeen Thousand Four Hundred Ten ($226,517,410.00) <br />Dollars. <br />I further certify that according to the records in my office the tax <br />levy for the General Fund of the City of South Bend now in course of <br />collection for the year 1962 is in the amount of $2.803 on each One <br />Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property in <br />said City. <br />I further certify that there is no litigation now pending or to my <br />knowledge threatened in any way affecting or questioning the validity of <br />said general fund tax levy. <br />WITNESS my hand the official seal of the Board of Commissioners of <br />the County of St. Joseph, on this 1--7 day of 1962. <br />