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IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, the City of South Bend has caused this <br />warrant to be signed in its corporate name by its Mayor, countersigned <br />by its City Controller, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and <br />attached by its City Clerk, as of the day of 1962. <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />BY-. <br />Mayor <br />Countersigned: <br />ATTEST: <br />City Controller <br />City Clerk <br />Sec. 3. The City Controller is hereby authorized and directed to <br />have said warrants prepared in the sum herein provided and to sell said <br />warrants as a whole, or in parcels, to the highest bidder therefor, at not <br />less than the face value thereof, plus accrued interest, if any, after the <br />date thereof, after giving notice of said sale thereof, once each week, for <br />two (2) weeks in the South Bend Tribune and The Record. The highest <br />bidder shall be the one who offers the lowest net interest cost to the City, <br />to be determined by computing the total interest on all of the warrants to <br />their maturity or maturities and deducting therefrom the premium bid, if any. <br />The notice of sale shall describe briefly the warrants, setting out the <br />facts in regard to the amount, denomination, rate of interest, dates of issu- <br />ance and maturity, and a fixed time and place for the receiving of bids there- <br />for. The Controller shall be authorized to reserve the right to deliver all of <br />said warrants at one time, or in parcels as stated in said notice. The Controller <br />shall have the right to reject any and all bids. In the event no satisfactory bids <br />for said warrants are received at the time fixed in said notice, the sale may :be <br />-4- <br />9 <br />