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BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C014MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />Sec. 1. That a temporary loan in an amount not in excess of <br />Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand ($7509000.00) Dollars be made for and on behalf <br />of the General Fund of the City of South Bend, all of the proceeds of which <br />loan shall be placed in the General Fund, and shall be used for the purpose <br />of meeting current expenses of the City included in the regular budget and <br />appropriations adopted for the year 1962; which expenses must be made <br />prior to the receipt of taxes in the year 1962. <br />Said temporary loan shall be evidenced by warrants of this City dated <br />as of the date of delivery thereof, in such denominations as shall be re- <br />quired by the purchaser, numbered consecutively from 1 up, bearing in- <br />terest at a rate not to exceed three per cent per annum, the exact rate to <br />be determined by bidding, which interest shall be payable at the time of the <br />payment of the principal of said warrants, and all of said warrants, together <br />with interest thereon, shall mature and be payable on November 13, 1962. For <br />the paynent of said warrants and the interest thereon, there is hereby <br />appropriated and pledged a suggested amount of the current revenues of the <br />City to be derived from the General Fund, tax levy collectible in the year <br />1962. The Controller and Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to pay <br />said warrants out of said taxes upon the presentation thereof, at /or after <br />maturity. <br />Sec. 2. Said warrants shall be signed by the Mayor, countersigned by <br />the Controller, and the seal of the City shall be affixed thereto and attested <br />by the signature of the City Cler$, and the interest accruing on said warrants to <br />-2- <br />