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6. This Purchase Agreement embodies the entire agreement between the parties and <br /> cannot be varied except by the written agreement of the parties. No <br /> representation, promise, or inducement not included in this Agreement shall be <br /> binding upon the parties hereto. <br /> 7. All the terms and conditions of this Purchase Agreement are hereby made binding <br /> on the successors and permitted assigns of both parties hereto. <br /> 8. This Purchase Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with <br /> the laws of the State of Indiana and venue for any action shall be St. Joseph <br /> County, Indiana. <br /> 9. This Purchase Agreement shall be effective and binding upon execution by the <br /> parties hereto. This Purchase Agreement may be executed in counterparts. <br /> 10. This Purchase Agreement will survive closing. <br /> 11. If any individual provision or provisions of this Purchase Agreement is or are held <br /> by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the <br /> remainder of the provisions of this Purchase Agreement shall remain in full force <br /> and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated. <br /> 12. Each party shall execute and deliver to the other all such other further instruments <br /> and documents as may be reasonably necessary to accomplish the transaction <br /> contemplated by this Purchase Agreement and to provide and secure to the other <br /> party the full and complete enjoyment of its rights and privileges hereunder. <br /> 13. Neither party shall maintain that the language in the Purchase Agreement shall be <br /> construed against any signatory hereto. <br /> 14. Words of any gender used in this Purchase Agreement shall be held and construed <br /> to include any other gender, and words in the singular number shall be held to <br /> include the plural, and vice versa, unless the context requires otherwise. <br /> 15. The undersigned persons executing and delivering this Purchase Agreement on <br /> behalf of each of the parties respectively represent and certify that they are duly <br /> authorized and are fully empowered to execute and deliver this Purchase <br /> Agreement and that all necessary actions have been taken and done by their <br /> principal, if any. The Purchaser represents that no provision of Indiana law <br /> prohibits the Purchaser from completing the terms of this Purchase Agreement. <br />