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WHEREAS, notice has been given and this date a public hearing has been conducted <br /> regarding such appropriation, as required by Indiana law; and <br /> WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the adoption of a resolution authorizing the <br /> issuance of the 2014 Bonds have been complied with in accordance with the applicable <br /> provisions of the Act. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BEND <br /> REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION, GOVERNING BODY OF THE DISTRICT, AS <br /> FOLLOWS: <br /> SECTION 1. Authorization for Bonds. In order to provide financing for the Refunding <br /> as described above and the costs of selling and issuing the 2014 Bonds, the District shall borrow <br /> money, and the City, acting for and on behalf of the District, shall issue the 2014 Bonds as herein <br /> authorized. <br /> SECTION 2. Appropriation of Bond Proceeds. The Commission hereby appropriates a <br /> sum not to exceed Three Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($3,700,000), out of the <br /> proceeds of the 2014 Bonds, together with an estimated Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) in <br /> investment earnings thereon, for the use of the Commission in paying the costs of the Refunding. <br /> Such appropriation shall be in addition to all appropriations provided for in the existing budget <br /> and levy, and shall continue in effect until the completion of the Refunding. Any surplus of such <br /> proceeds shall be credited to the proper fund as provided by law. All actions previously taken in <br /> connection with such appropriation, including publication of the notice of the public hearing,be, <br /> and hereby are, ratified and approved. A certified copy of this resolution, together with such <br /> other proceedings and actions as may be necessary, shall be filed by the Controller of the City <br /> (the "Controller"), along with a report of the appropriation, with the Indiana Department of Local <br /> Government Finance. <br /> SECTION 3. General Terms of Bonds. <br /> (a) Issuance of 2014 Bonds. In order to procure said loan for such purposes, <br /> the Commission hereby authorizes the issuance of the 2014 Bonds, in one or more series, as <br /> described herein. The Controller is hereby authorized and directed to have prepared and to issue <br /> and sell the 2014 Bonds as negotiable, fully registered bonds of the District in an amount not to <br /> exceed the Authorized Amount. <br /> The 2014 Bonds shall be signed in the name of the City, acting for and on behalf of the <br /> District, by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor of the City (the <br /> "Mayor") and attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the Controller, who shall affix the <br /> seal of the City to each of the 2014 Bonds manually or shall have the seal imprinted or impressed <br /> thereon by facsimile or other means. In case any officer whose signature or facsimile signature <br /> appears on the 2014 Bonds shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of 2014 Bonds, such <br /> signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes as if such officer had <br /> remained in office until delivery thereof. The 2014 Bonds also shall be, and will not be valid or <br /> become obligatory for any purpose or entitled to any benefit under this resolution unless and <br /> until, authenticated by the manual signature of the Registrar(as defined in Section 5 hereof). <br /> 2 <br />