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Bonds, and the terms and provisions of the 2014 Bonds and this resolution, or any supplemental <br /> resolution, may be modified or amended in any respect with the consent of the Commission and <br /> the consent of the owners of all the 2014 Bonds then outstanding. <br /> Without notice to or consent of the owners of the 2014 Bonds, the Commission may, <br /> from time to time and at any time, adopt such resolutions supplemental hereto as shall not be <br /> inconsistent with the terms and provisions hereof (which supplemental resolutions shall <br /> thereafter form a part hereof), <br /> (a) To cure any ambiguity or formal defect or omission in this resolution or in <br /> any supplemental resolution; or <br /> (b) To grant to or confer upon the owners of the 2014 Bonds any additional <br /> rights, remedies, powers, authority or security that may lawfully be granted to or conferred upon <br /> the owners of the 2014 Bonds; or <br /> (c) To procure a rating on the 2014 Bonds from a nationally recognized <br /> securities rating agency designated in such supplemental resolution, if such supplemental <br /> resolution will not adversely affect the owners of the 2014 Bonds; or <br /> (d) To obtain or maintain bond insurance with respect to the 2014 Bonds;or <br /> (e) To provide for the refunding or advance refunding of the 2014 Bonds; or <br /> (f) To make any other change which, in the determination of the Commission <br /> in its sole discretion, is not to the prejudice of the owners of the 2014 Bonds. <br /> SECTION 12. Approval of Official Statement and Continuing Disclosure Undertaking. <br /> If legally required as part of a public offering of the 2014 Bonds, the Controller is hereby <br /> authorized to deem final an official statement with respect to the 2014 Bonds, as of its date, in <br /> accordance with the provisions of Rule 15c2-12 of the United States Securities and Exchange <br /> Commission, as amended (the "SEC Rule"), subject to completion as permitted by the SEC Rule, <br /> and the Commission further authorizes the distribution of the deemed final official statement, <br /> and the execution, delivery and distribution of such document as further modified and amended <br /> with the approval of the Controller in the form of a final official statement. The officers of the <br /> Commission and the City are further authorized to approve the form and distribution of any other <br /> offering materials that may be recommenced by the Commission's financial advisor in <br /> connection with a private placement of the 2014 Bonds. <br /> In order to assist any underwriter of the 2014 Bonds in complying with paragraph (b)(5) <br /> of the SEC Rule by undertaking to make available appropriate disclosure about the Commission <br /> and the City and the 2014 Bonds to participants in the municipal securities market, the <br /> Commission may, in accordance with the SEC Rule, unless excluded from the applicability of <br /> the SEC Rule or otherwise exempted from the provisions of paragraph (b)(5) of the SEC Rule, <br /> execute and deliver any continuing disclosure contract. The execution and delivery by the <br /> Commission of the continuing disclosure contract, and the performance by the Commission of its <br /> obligation thereunder by or through any employee or agent of the Commission or the City, are <br /> hereby approved. <br /> 17 <br />