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book-entry form, the provisions of this Section shall control over conflicting provisions in any <br /> other section of this resolution. <br /> SECTION 7. Sale of Bonds. The President of the Redevelopment Commission is <br /> authorized to select one or more purchasers of the 2014 Bonds (collectively, the "Purchaser"), <br /> and to enter into a bond purchase contract in customary form with the Purchaser. <br /> After the 2014 Bonds have been properly sold and executed, the Controller shall receive <br /> from the purchaser's payment for the 2014 Bonds and shall provide for delivery of the 2014 <br /> Bonds to the purchasers. <br /> The Controller is hereby authorized and directed to obtain a legal opinion as to the <br /> validity of the 2014 Bonds from Barnes & Thornburg LLP, and to furnish such opinion to the <br /> purchasers of the 2014 Bonds or to cause a copy of said legal opinion to be printed on each 2014 <br /> Bond. The cost of such opinion shall be paid out of the proceeds of the 2014 Bonds. <br /> SECTION 8. Funds and Accounts. <br /> (a) Use of Bond Proceeds; Refunding Fund. Any accrued interest and <br /> capitalized interest at the time of delivery of the 2014 Bonds will be deposited in the Revenues <br /> Account of the Bond Fund as defined below and applied to payments on the 2014 Bonds on the <br /> first interest payment date. If a Reserve Fund (as defined below) is deemed necessary in order to <br /> sell the 2014 Bonds, an amount equal to the Debt Service Reserve Requirement (as defined <br /> below) shall be deposited into the Reserve Fund from the proceeds of the 2014 Bonds, except as <br /> otherwise provided in Section 8(d)herein. The remaining proceeds received from the sale of the <br /> 2014 Bonds shall be deposited in the fund hereby created and designated as the "South Bend <br /> Redevelopment District Refunding Fund" (the"Refunding Fund"). The proceeds deposited in the <br /> Refunding Fund, together with all investment earnings thereon, shall be expended by the <br /> Commission only for the purpose of paying the principal of and the interest and premium on the <br /> Prior Bonds. Any balance remaining within the Refunding Fund after the completion of the <br /> Refunding which is not required to meet unpaid obligations incurred in connection therewith <br /> may be (i) used to pay debt service on the 2014 Bonds, or (ii) otherwise used as permitted by <br /> law. <br /> (b) Bond Fund. There is hereby created a separate fund, designated as the <br /> "South Bend Redevelopment District Bond Fund" (the "Bond Fund"), which shall be applied to <br /> the payment of the principal of and interest on the 2014 Bonds, and all other bonds payable from <br /> the Special Tax and/or other revenues of or available to the Commission as contemplated hereby, <br /> and to no other purpose not allowed under Ind. Code § 36-7-14-27. As the Special Tax is <br /> collected, it shall be accumulated in an account of the Bond Fund hereby created and designated <br /> as the "Special Tax Account". The Bond Fund shall also have a separate account designated the <br /> Revenues Account as described in Section 9 hereof. <br /> (c) Reserve Fund. At the time of the sale of the 2014 Bonds, the President of <br /> the Commission, with the advice of the Commission's financial advisor, may determine to <br /> establish a debt service reserve fund for the 2014 Bonds (the "Reserve Fund"), which shall be <br /> funded in an amount determined by the financial advisor to be required to adequately secure the <br /> 12 <br />