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individual is impounded, before such animal is released to him <br />by the animal shelter. An owner redeeming an impounded animal <br />which is required by this chapter to be licensed but which was <br />not licensed at the time of the impoundment shall pay to the <br />city or its designee a redemption fee of twenty thirty dollars <br />($2e -9$ 30.00) before such animal is released by the animal <br />shelter.' The redemption fee for any impounded animal shall <br /> an additional fifty dollars ($2-5.ea) <br />per impoundment for each subsequent time within a t-h� <br />twelve -month period that the same or any other animal <br />belonging to the same owner may be impounded. <br />SECTION IV. Chapter 5, Article 8, Section 5 -47 of the South <br />Bend Municipal Code shall be and hereby is, amended to read as <br />follows: <br />Sec. 5 -33. Fees. <br />(a) Application for all licenses or permits required by this <br />chapter may be made with the City Controller or h+s designee, or by <br />mail, and shall include name, address of applicant, type or permit <br />applied for, number and description of animal(s), proof of rabies <br />vaccination, information regarding sterilization, and appropriate <br />fee. <br />(1) All applicants must be in compliance with zoning and all <br />other applicable state or local laws, and shall not have <br />been convicted of any of the cruelty to animal offenses <br />set forth in IC 35- 46 -3 -3 et seq. , within the past twelve <br />(12) months. <br />(2) Those permits that require prior inspection will not be <br />issued until proof of such inspection is made available <br />to the City Controller or his designee by the inspecting <br />agency. <br />(b) Licenses and permits required by this chapter are to be <br />issued for a term of one (1) year effective from the <br />first day-_-D-f- <br />February date of the pet's rabies vaccination and shall remain <br />valid through midnight of the same date lazrt—day of the following <br />d7arnzary year, inclusive--,. and inay be purchased durilill Lhe_ <br />February- and Mam-ah--�7r Licenses for new pets. shall be obtained <br />within 30 days of acquiring the animal, whichever ' te_- <br />Applicants for licenses that are not <br />renewed within thirty (30) days of expiration will be required to <br />pay an additional five.dollars ($5.00) as a late fee for each <br />4 <br />