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South Bend Heritage Foundation - Colfax Campus Improvements <br />56,250 <br />South Bend Heritage Foundation - NNRO Program Delivery <br />75,000 <br />93,000 <br />Near Northwest Neighborhood - Community Building <br />Near Northwest Neighborhood - Program Delivery <br />30,000 <br />Near Northwest Neighborhood - Revitalization Program <br />340,625 <br />Code Enforcement - Vacant& Abandoned Bldg. Demolition Program <br />350,000 <br />Code Enforcement - Demolition Program in NRSA <br />126,000 <br />300,000 <br />Community Homebuyers Corp.- Forgivable Second Mortgage <br />33,401 <br />Community Coordinated Child Care- Subsidy Program <br />YWCA - Neighborhood Outreach <br />36,634 <br />REAL Services - Older Adult Crime Victims <br />6,465 <br />REAL Services - Guardianship Program <br />6,465 <br />24,244 <br />FCC Counseling & Development Services - Therapeutic Services <br />South Bend police Department - Neighborhood Foot Patrols <br />67,500 <br />South Bend police Department - Neighborhood Watch Program <br />21,551 <br />Boy's & Girl's Club - Youth Development <br />21,551 <br />40,000 <br />Habitat for Humanity - Cleveland Rehab <br />Division of Community Development - SB Home Improvement Program <br />321,295 <br />------------- LaCasa de Amistad - _Community_Outreach Ser_v_ices <br />- -- — <br />- - outh end human Rights Commission = Fair Housing Activities -- <br />7000 - -- <br />TOTAL $2,261,981 <br />SECTION U. No costs will be incurred or funds expended for any of the activities <br />addressed in this ordinance prior to completion and subsequent certification of the Environmental <br />Review Process specified in Title Twenty -four (24) of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part <br />Fifty Eight (58) containing the Environmental Review Procedures for the Community <br />Development Block Grant Program, and an official release of funds received from the United <br />States Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br />SECTION 111. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage <br />by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Member of the Common Cou cil <br />Attest: <br />and <br />City Clerk <br />