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1200 COuNw -CITY BUILD114G <br />227W. JEFFERSON BOULEVARD <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601 -1830 <br />PHONE 574/235 -9371 <br />FAx 574/235 -9021 <br />TDD 574/ 235 -5567 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />COMMUNITY & Ec(QNom4,QcDEVELOPMENT <br />Mr. Timothy Rouse <br />President <br />South Bend Common Council <br />227 W. Jefferson Blvd. <br />Suite 400 <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Dear President Rouse, <br />JEFFREY V. GIBNEY <br />EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR <br />6a� Ig). <br />The attached bill for Council consideration and approval will appropriate $2,261,981 in <br />2009 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This action complements the <br />- -= transfer -of- 495-, 000 =in-reprograim and — and- #ogetlier they allocate =riew= funds =in= accordance -- - -- <br />with the 2009Action Plan of the Housing and Community Development Plan. <br />As was discussed with the Community & Economic Development Committee on October <br />6th, the 2009 HCD Action Plan was the subject of a 30 -day public comment period that began <br />September 26, 2008 and expired October 29, 2008. In addition, the 2009 HCD Action Plan was <br />the subject of two public hearings held on October 9, 2008. Comments received during the <br />comment period and public hearings were taken into consideration in developing the final 2009 <br />HCD Action Plan. <br />Should there be any questions on this bill please contact me at 235 -5845. Jeff Gibney or I will be <br />present to address this issue at the November 10th meeting. Thank you. <br />Sinc ely, <br />Pamela . Meyer <br />Director <br />cc: Jeff Gibney <br />John March <br />Judy Rosheck <br />Filed In ClerW!S Off iee <br />OCT 2 2 2008 <br />JOriZS VQCFtDE <br />CITY CLERK, So. BEND, IN, <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FINANCIAL & PROGRAM <br />PAMELA C. MEYER DONALD E. INKS MANAGEMENT <br />574/235 -9660 574/235 -9371 ELIZA13ETH LEONARD <br />FAY: 5741235 -9697 574/235 -9371 <br />