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ORDINANCE NO. Z 0 ~ ~ O <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE <br />FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 430 SOUTH 26TH STREET <br />IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />BE IT ORDAINED By the Common Council of the City of South Bend, INDIANA: <br />SECTION I. Ordinance No. 4990-68, as amended, which ordinance is commonly <br />known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana, be and the same hereby <br />is amended in order that the zoning classification of the following described real estate in the City <br />of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of Indiana: <br />A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 37 <br />North, Range 3 East, St. Joseph County, Indiana, lying North of the right of way of the <br />Grand Trunk Western Railroad, now within and a part of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said <br />quarter-quarter section; thence South 00°58'30" East, along the East line of said quarter- <br />quarter section 62.5 feet to the North line of Jefferson Boulevard; thence South <br />90°00'00" West along said North line 1113.07 feet to the East line of 26ei street; thence <br />South 00°02'00" East along said East line 323.00 feet to the place of beginning; thence <br />continuing South 00°02'00" East along said East Line 115.64 feet to a point on the North <br />line of a 15 foot Indiana & Michigan Electric Company easement; thence South <br />89°46'00" East along said North line 141.50 feet; thence North 00°02'00" West 116.21 <br />feet; thence South 90°00'00" West 141.50 feet to the place of beginning; excepting <br />therefrom a 16 foot public alley being 8 feet either side of a line parallel and 23 feet <br />North of the South line of said tract. <br />be and the same is hereby established as "O"Office District. <br />SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage <br />by the Common Council, approval by the mayor, and legal publication. <br />~~~~~~ <br />Member of the Common Coun it <br />~~ O 1 <br />1 st READING 2 b~ <br />PUBLIC HEARING ~~ h1 <br />`3 rd READING y ~- <br />NpY APPROVED L Z~--~1 <br />E:EFEP.RED ~'~' <br />pASSEQ 4-q-~~ <br /> <br /> <br /> ~~..,~ ~.~.a ...~_a._._.. . <br /> FED 1 ~ 2001 <br /> <br /> <br />