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ORDINANCE NO. 1 2 ~ 3" o' <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, COMMON COUNCIL <br />APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE FOR THE <br />CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF A NEW PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE <br />CENTER, PLEDGING COUNTY OPTION INCOME TAX REVENUES TO THE <br />PAYMENT OF RENTALS THEREFORE AND REGARDING CERTAIN RELATED <br />MATTERS <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> <br />The City of South Bend, Indiana (the "City"), has previously investigated the necessity <br />for the construction and equipping of a new public works service center located at 730 United <br />Drive in the City (the "Project"). The City has also previously investigated alternative methods <br />for paying for the Project. There has been filed with the Common Council of the City (the <br />"Common Council") a petition certified by the St. Joseph County Auditor, which petition has <br />been signed by at least fifty (50) owners of real property subject to taxation by the City and <br />addressed to the Common Council, requesting that the Common Council enter into a lease <br />whereby the Project will be completed with the assistance of a not-for-profit building corporation <br />and leased to the City pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36-1-10, as amended. <br />The City of South Bend Building Corporation (the "Building Corporation") has been <br />organized as an Indiana not-for-profit corporation for the purpose of constructing and leasing <br />public improvements, including the Project, to the City. A form of lease between the Building <br />Corporation and the City (the "Lease") has been prepared and submitted to the Common Council <br />for its consideration. The Lease, as presented to the Common Council, provides for the lease of <br />the Project for a term not to exceed twenty (20) years (the "Term"). The Term under the <br />proposed Lease would begin with respect to the Project on the date the Project is completed. The <br />lease rentals payable under the Lease (the "Rentals") by the City with respect to the Project shall <br />not exceed $900,000 per year and shall be payable semiannually on each July 15 and January 1 S, <br />beginning on the later of: (i) the date that the Project is completed; or (ii) July 15, 2002. Lease <br />rentals payable under the Lease by the City for the Project shall be payable on such dates solely <br />from the county option income tax revenues (the "COIT Revenues") distributed to the City <br />pursuant to I.C. 6-3.5-6 (the "Act"). As a result, the Project does not constitute a "controlled <br />project" as such term is defined by IC 6-1.1-20-1.1 because such Rentals shall be payable from <br />funds other than property taxes that are exempt from the levy limitations of IC 6-1.1-18.5 <br />