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he~iod commencing January 1, 2008, and ending Dccanbcr 31. 2009. The approved <br />schedule for the Program is set forth at exhibit 13. The Organization shall submit <br />quarterly reports Lo the ConU~act Administrator on March 31. June ~0. September 30 and <br />i;eccmbcr 31 of each year this Agreement is i^ effect showing the progress of the <br />Program, including a summary of all transactions detailing each recipient by name, <br />address, amount of funds attributable to the Contract Amount used, the anxnmt of private <br />invesunent in the Corridor, the project commencement date, and the project completion <br />dale. <br />2. Prop=rum l3~id~=et cmd 13uch>el R1r~cG ica~ron. fhe approved Program <br />13ud~~ct is set forth at Exhibit C (the "Budget°). The Organization shall not spend more <br />than the amount for each line item. as described in the Budget. without the prior written <br />consent of the Cit}. hhe Organization shall only rue the Contract Amount to implement <br />the Program or provide the services in conformance ~~-ith the Budget and for no other <br />purpose. <br />3. ConrPensalk~n for Program. ~fhc Contract amount shall be paid within <br />thirty (i0) days of the ~aucr of: (i) the date the last party hereto executed this a~rcement <br />or (iij the completion of all actions ^ecessarv to appropriate [he funds for the Program. <br />all funds unencumbered for the Program at the expiration oC ibis agreement shall be <br />returned to the City upon the City's written request. any funds attributable to staff or a <br />contract for staff or services shall only be deemed to be encumbered to the extent the <br />percentage of services arc provided through the termination date of this A~~recment. <br />-l. Desr~>n uncl Irn»lementcr/ion of Pro<rram. l~o the extent not set f~~rth in <br />Exhibit A, Exhibit B and Exhibit C. the Organization shall be solely responsible for the <br />design and implementation of the Pro~~ram, wlless specilicall~~ directed other~~-ise by the <br />City. the City's Internal Auditor (as defined herein). or the Director of the Division of <br />~'onununity Development or any person appointed bv~ said Director or the City to <br />administer this Agreement (lhc 'Contract Administrator"). the Program and this <br />agreement must be performed and administered in accordance with all applicable <br />federal, state and local law. ~hhc Organizatio^ shall use the Contract Amount only for <br />activities related to the Pro<,rram. l~hc Or~~aniz,ation shall llu~thcr enter into a written <br />a~~recment documenting the disbursement o(~Cunds attributable to the Contract Amount. <br />~. Termination o/~ A~n-ecnaenl. II the Cite Controller mal:cs a wriucn <br />detenninatio^ that funds are ^ot appropriated or othcr~~ise available to support the <br />continuation of this ~ygreement. it shall be canceled. :A determination by the City <br />Controller that funds arc not appropriated or other~~ise available to support the <br />continuation of pertormancc shall be final and conclusi~~c. P,ffectiec thirty (,U) days niter <br />delivery of a ~~~ritten termination notice, the Cite may terminate this Agreement, in ~~-hole <br />or in part fog any reason. if the Cite determines that such termination is in the best <br />interest of the City. "hhc Organization shall be a~mpensated for completion n[ the <br />4'ro~~ram propcrl~~ done prir~r to the ulfecti~r date of termination. The Cite will not be <br />liable for work un the Pro~~ram performed after the el~iceti~~c date of termination. In no <br />case shall total payment made to the Organization escced the original C~~nuact r\mount. <br /> <br />