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RESOLUTION NO. 2=195 <br />A RESOLUTION OF "TIIE SOUTH BEND REDGVELOP~4ENT COM111~11SSION <br />RELATED TO ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN THE <br />SOUTH BEND CENTRAL DEVF,LON:~IF,NT AREA <br />~~'HEREAS, under the authority granted by Indiana Code ~ 36-7-14, r~ sc~y. and <br />in finlherance of the South Bend Central Dc~clopment Arca Plan ("Plane). the South <br />Bcnd Redc~~elopmcnl Commission ("Conunission~) has determined that it is necessary to <br />acquire unencumbered fee simple interest in certain property located ~~~ithin the area <br />herctotbrc designated as the South Bcnd Central Dcrclopment Arca (the "l~rca~~) within <br />the City oC South bend, Indiana (the "Cit~~~), ~rhich property is more particularly <br />dcscribcd al Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Propert~~~): and <br />V1'HERF:AS, on March 28. ?OOK. the Commission adopted Resolution No. ?4dl <br />amending [he Plan and adding the Property to the ~1rca~s acquisition list: and <br />~~'HGREAS, t~,~~o (?) independent appraisals of the Property ha~~e been obtained <br />in accordance ~~°ith Indiana Code ~ 36-7 14-19(b). ~~~hich prop°idc an offering price of <br />5161.8?5.(10 (the "Offering Price~~): and <br />~~`HGREAS, the Commission no~~~ desires to authorize its authorized agents. <br />hired tier such purposes. or the staff of the Commission to pro~~ide and negotiate an offer <br />ibr the Purchase of the Property in accordance ~~~ith Indiana Code ~ 36 7-14-19. which <br />may include relocation costs and the Commissions payment of expenses incidental to the <br />com~cyancc and deter urination of the title of the Property; and <br />~~'l1EREAS. the Commission rinds that all procedures necessary for <br />authorizing and acquiring the Property hay c been completed in accordance ~~°ith Indiana <br />la~~~: <br />NO~~~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b_v the South Bcnd <br />Rcdc~~clopmcnt Commission that: <br />1 . /\uthorizcd u~~cnts of the Commission and the staff of the Commission arc <br />hereby authorized and directed to cause a pw-chase otter to be made in ~~~°riting to the <br />o~~~ner(s) of the Property as dcscribcd at Exhibit A at the Offering Price (the ~~.A~~cra~~e <br />ncyuisition Price' in Exhibit n) in accordance ~~~ith Indiana Code ~ ~C-7-14-19, ~~~~hicla <br />offer or process may include relocation costs and the payment of expenses incidental to <br />the com~c~~ance and determination of the title of the Property. <br />?. l~he Commission, agents and attorneys arc hereby authorized and <br />directed to negotiate and prepare documentation necessary to accomplish the acquisition <br />of the Property in accord~mcc «~ith this Resolution and in a form acceptable to legal <br />counsel. <br />