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ORDINANCE NO. 6 <br />AN ORDINANCE FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIA- <br />TION FROM THE MOTOR VEHICLE HIGHWAY FUND <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $407,971.29 TO A SPECIAL <br />STREET CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT. <br />WHEREAS, Certain extraordinary conditions have developed <br />since the adoption of the existing annual budget so that it is now <br />necessary to appropriate morenoney than was appropriated in the <br />annual budget for the various functions of the City Government to <br />meet such extraordinary emergencies: <br />BE IT ORDAINED, by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION I. That for the expenses of City Government and its <br />institutions for the year ending December 31, 1966, the following <br />sum of money hereby appropriated and set apart out of the fund here- <br />in named and for the purpose herein specified, subject to the laws <br />governing the same and such sum herein appropriated shall be held <br />to include all expenditures authorized to be made during the year, <br />unless, otherwise expressly stipulated and provided by law. <br />SECTION II. That for said fiscal year there is hereby appro- <br />priated out of the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund as hereinafter desig- <br />nated, the specified amount to meet extraordinary expenditures as <br />follows: <br />1. From the Motor Vehicle Highway Fund to the Special Street <br />Construction Account the sum of $407,971.29, said sum to be adminis- <br />tered by the City Engineer for the construction and/or re- construction <br />of streets, roads and thoroughfares. <br />SECTION III. This ordinance shall be in full force and <br />effect from and after its passage by the Common Council, its approval <br />by the Mayor, legal publication and the fulfillment of all statutory <br />requirements of emergency appropriations. <br />Ist & 2nd READING /—,;z V <br />COMMTTEE OF THE WHOLE '9 t L <br />PUBLIC HEARING ,I <br />3rd READING <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED y_� a <br />