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Ordinance Affecting 21 Acre Tract at Northwest corne FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE. <br />of McKinley Highway and Hickory Road <br />ORDINANCE NO. <br />An Ordinance Amending and Supplementing <br />Zoning Ordinance No. 3702 of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana <br />'. Fh 4 .pct,...; <br />CITY CLARK, �RJI" <br />Be it enacted by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana that: <br />Section 1 - Zoning Ordinance No. 3702 of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana be, and the same is hereby amended, supplemented, and <br />changed in Sections 2 and Section 9B thereof to provide that the <br />following described real estate located in the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, to -wit: <br />Beginning at the point where the East line of McKinley <br />Terrace Addition intersects the South line of the <br />Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 37 North, <br />Range 3 East; thence North along the said East line <br />of said McKinley Terrace Addition a distance of 1452.02 <br />feet to the South line of McKinley Terrace Addition, <br />Section "A "; thence Easterly along said South line of <br />McKinley Terrace Addition, Section "A" a distance of <br />1213.94 feet to the East line of the Southeast Quarter <br />of Section 5, Township 37 North, Range 3 East; thence <br />South along said East line of the Southeast Quarter of <br />Section 5, a distance of 120 feet; thence Westerly <br />parallel to the South line of McKinley Terrace Addition, <br />Section "A ", a distance of 1113.94 feet; thence South <br />parallel with the East line of McKinley Terrace Addition <br />a distance of 1332.02 feet to the South line of the <br />Southeast Quarter of Section 5; thence West to the place <br />of beginning. <br />be and the same hereby is changed in its Use District Regulation <br />classification from "A" Residence District to "B" Residence District <br />and in its height and area district classification from "A" Height <br />and Area District to "E" Height and Area District. <br />it /P <br />