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RE~oLUTioN No. Zax~~ <br />~~ RESOLUTION OF TIIE SOUTH BLVD REDEYELOP~1ENT C019~11SSION <br />RELATED TO ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY 1V THG <br />SOUTH [SEND CENTRAL DE~'ELOPMGNT AREA <br />W'HEREAS_ under the authority grated b_y ]ndiana Code ~ 36 7-I4. ~~i sey. <br />and in furtherance of the South Bend Central Dc~~clopmcnt Area Plan ("Plane). the South <br />Bend Rede~rlopment Commission ("Conu»ission~~) has determined that it is necessary to <br />acquire unenc~unbered fee simple interest in certain properties located within the area <br />heretofore designated as the South Bend Central Deg clopnunt Area (the "Area') ~~~ithin <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana (the "City~~). ~~~hich properties are more particularly <br />dcscribcd at Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "Propertics~~); and <br />WHEREAS. on March ?8. X008, the Commission adopted Resolution No. ?441 <br />amendin~~ the Plan and adding the Properties to the ~1rea~s acquisition list: and <br />WHEREAS. t~~~u (?) independent appraisals of the Properties ha~c been <br />obtained in accordance ~~~ith Indiana Code ~ ~(~-7 14-19(b), ~ahieh pro~~ide the offering <br />prices dcscribcd at Exhibit A (the ~~Of7~rim, Price"): and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission no~~~ desires to authorize the staff of the <br />Commission to pro~~ide and ne!~otiate an offer fin the Pw~chase of the Properties in <br />accordance with Indiana Code ~ ,6-7 14-19. ~rhich may include the acquisition of an <br />option and the Commissions payment of expenses incidental to the am~c~ance and <br />determination of the title of the Properties: and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission tinds that all procedw~cs neccssarv t~n~ authorizing <br />and acquiring the Properties ha~c been completed in accordance ~~ ith lndiana lays <br />\~OW. THGREFORE_ BE IT RESOLVED by the South Bcnd Rcdc~clopmcnt <br />Commission that: <br />L The staff of the Commission arc hcrebti~ ^uthorizc;d and directed to cause a <br />purchase oft~er to be made in ~+~riting to the o~~~ner(s) of the Properties as dcscribcd at <br />Exhibit A at the Offcrin~~ Price (the ~~.~1~era~~c Acquisition Price~~ in I.xhihit :1) in <br />accordance ~~~ith Indiana Code ~ ~6-7-14-19, which offer or process may include the <br />acquisition of an option for the purchase price and the payment of expenses incidental to <br />the com~cyancc and dcternunation of the title of die Properties. <br />?. The Commissions attornc~ is hcreb~ authorized and directed to ne~zotiate <br />and prepare documentation necessarti~ to accomplish the acquisition of the Properties in <br />accordance ~~ith this Resolution and in a tbrm acceptable to Icgal counsel. <br />