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OU COMB & NIMTZ <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />INCOME BVILOINO <br />.11 W. COLFAX AVENUE <br />SOUTH BEND 1. INDIANA <br />3401 Lincoln Way West <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />ORDINANCE No, <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE No, 3702 <br />COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3702 adopted by the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, on the 13th day of June, 1949, and commonly known as <br />the Zoning Ordinance, be and the same is hereby amended as follows, to -wit: <br />That the zoning of the following described real estate situate in the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, and described as follows, to -wit: <br />A lot or parcel of land in the East half of the North East <br />quarter of Section No, 4, Township No, 37 North, Range <br />No. 2 East, bounded by a line running as follows,'viz: <br />Beginning at a point 280.07 feet East of the North West <br />corner of the East half of the North East quarter of said <br />Section No. 4, thence running East on the North line of <br />said Section a distance of 148.14 feet; thence South <br />parallel with the East line of said Section 549.42 feet <br />to the center line of the Lincolnwoy West; thence North <br />Westerly along the center line of said Lincolnway West <br />160 feet; thence North 482.91 feet to the place of <br />beginning, containing 1,75 acres, more or less, now <br />within and a part of the City of South Bend, in St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana. <br />Together with the right to use as a road, for the purpose of <br />ingress and egress, a strip of land 37.03 feet in width, <br />East and West, lying immediately East of and adjacent to <br />the oforedescribed tract, and extending North 200 feet <br />from the center line of said Lincoln Way West, <br />and more particularly located for these purposes as 3401 Lincoln Way West, be changed <br />from A Residential and A Height and Area as to zoning districts, to C Commercial and A <br />Height and Area district. <br />Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its passage and legal publication. <br />Is! & 2nd READING 41— /1)- _ 6 15— <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLI.S /G -6 5 <br />PUBLIC HEARING,. /6 G 5 <br />W READNIG 6_-10 <br />AFIRROVED <br />✓r —/ o —G :5 <br />FILED IN CLERICS OFFICE <br />KATHRYN L. BLOUGH <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />