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ORDINANCE NO.7 <br />AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING ($3,460.00) TO <br />THE OFFICE OF THE CITY JUDGE FOR THE <br />PAYMENT OF A BAILIFF; SAID ($3,460.00) <br />TO BE A TRA_'SFER FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />BUDGET ACCOUNT P -11 TO ACCOUNTS E -11 <br />AND E -2151 OFFICE OF THE CITY JUDGE, <br />ALL WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA: <br />SECTION I. The sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred Sixty ($3,460.00) <br />Dollars is hereby appropriated to the Office of the City Judge for <br />the purpose of hiring a Court Bailiff and of said Three Thousand <br />Four Hundred Sixty ($3,460.00) Dollars, Three Thousand Two Hundred <br />Sixty ($3,260.00) Dollars is to be transferred to Account E -11, <br />Salary of Court Bailiff and Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars is to <br />be transferred to Account E -215, Transportation allowance of Court <br />Bailiff.for said purpose. Said sum to be obtained and transferred <br />from Police Department Budget Account P-11,-Salary of Court <br />Bailiff, where it was heretofore appropriated and which said sum <br />will not now be needed for such purpose. <br />SECTION II. This Ordinance becomes necessary because of a change <br />in the statutory law of Indiana and its creation of a new post <br />payable from the monies of the Office of the City Judge and the <br />elimination of payment previously required by a dtiftankft de- <br />partment. different <br />SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect <br />May 1, 1965,xfoomxand after its passage by the Common Council, its approval <br />by the Mayor, and the fulfillment of all statutory requirements <br />of emergency appropriations, lift <br />let &2nd READING M• <br />OOA2MEE OF THE /WHOLE <br />'7 yL a 7-G <br />PUBLIG HUTING -02 % -G 5 <br />Srd READING 41..a <br />NOT AMROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED 1- -2 -G S <br />on <br />